Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Welcome to our Home!

Hello fine friends! It's summertime in Duluth and absolutely BEAUTIFUL, so let your visiting commence! We have a guest room all ready for you! I know, I know, the chances of us having a steady stream of visitors is slim, so I thought I'd bring our home to you! Since we've been working hard on getting it furnished and fixed up, I thought I'd give you a little tour.

This is the front of our house. It was yellow and green until a couple of weeks ago. We have yet to paint the screen, but it looks FAR better now! We are in the process of staining the front deck. And the deck is awesome for grilling and entertaining!

Our living room is a cozy place to unwind...usually watching FOX News.

We purchased this bookshelf with some of our wedding gift money, and we love it. It's a great central place for our computer and to display some of our favorite pictures.

The dining room is right around the corner. We will be upgrading our little table soon. And, you can see our "forest-y" backyard through the window. SO pretty in the winter, and very green at this time of year!

One of the first things we did in the house was paint the kitchen and dining room (it used to be a stark hospital-grey color). It made a BIG difference, and goes great with our wine racks!

The guest room- where you shall stay when you visit. It's just like a bed and breakfast...without the breakfast :) I take that back...if you come visit, you'll get breakfast.

The Master Bedroom now has window treatments, and all of our Pottery Barn bedding is being put to use! We love it!

This is Chris' "man basement". It houses all of his furniture (which you can see is quite monochromatic!) and is the coolest place in the house...great in the summer, not so great in the winter!

13 comments: said...

Nice place I'm jealous! Also they refer to them as "Man Caves" especially when they are downstairs/in the basements of houses!

Anonymous said...

I love the "man cave". Beautiful house! I hope Chris has a riding mower, my back hurts just thinking about having to mow that lawn, on a hill.

Will said...

Hurray for Man Dens!

Sara said...

I'd like to make a reservation!!! What is your nightly rate and can you give us ideas on what to see in your neck of the woods? This summer is pretty booked for us but I would really love to come for a visit- maybe it could be a girls visit and Jenny, Emma and I could come.

Perksofbeingme said...

Beautiful. So when I need a break from school, can I hop on a plane and fly to stay with you for a week? I'm totally serious.

Jamie Stavenger said...

All are welcome at the Stavenger home! Sara, Jenny, Emma, Brittany...I'M totally serious. I would suggest, however, not coming in the winter unless you love subzero weather.

photoqueen said...

BFF! Your home is lovely. Where's the baby's room...J/K!
I especially love the framed wedding photo of the Asian couple.
Red always a fave...actually my kitchen is red too.
Miss you can't wait to visit.

Jamie Stavenger said...

Chris makes fun of the Asian couple, too. It shall soon be replaced, compliments of Beth Hutton and Pictage :)

Jamie Stavenger said...

Oh....and Chris also noted that I forgot to include the "music room" and the master bathroom, both of which need to be cleaned before photos are taken!

Perksofbeingme said...

You have a music room?! I'm in love. Oh I must come. I must I must! I don't like cold weather (unless it involves me, a blanket, a book, and a fire). Since summer (and warm weather is getting close to the end) I might just have to pack lots of warm clothes and deal with the cold. And cold weather generally coincides with when I need to get away. OOh, I'm saving money for the plan trip now!

Jamie Stavenger said...

"Cold" may be an understatement for Minnesota winters. Don't say I didn't warn you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, very light colored carpeting. Obviously you aren't planning on having any children anytime soon. :)

Perksofbeingme said...

I think I'll brave the cold, because honestly that's when I want to get away and sometimes I need to get away even though I'm going where it's cold. Although, I might just have to wait till it's warm. Ok, so most likely I'll have to wait till it's warm :) But you'll be seeing me. I've got to come visit now!