Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday with the Angels

I did not make the bed yesterday.

This was not because of principle, but because I was physically incapable of doing so. Thursday night I was afflicted with the worst toothache EVER (those of you who have been tracking with my blog for a while know that this happened last year as well). Anyway, after a night with no sleep, I saw the "emergency dentist". He confirmed that I have a ruptured wisdom tooth, coupled with fluid building up from my sinuses and putting pressure on the nerves. YUK! The temporary solution: lots of drugs. :)

I was happy to get that settled, because I really wanted to be well enough to enjoy the Duluth Air show today...which I did! Chris and I spent the day watching old and new fighter planes, lots of aerobatics, and the good food supplied at such events. The main attraction was an appearance by the U.S. Navy's famed Blue Angels. The weather was beautiful UNTIL, of course, it was time for the final act- then the skies decided to open up on the umbrella-less. We stuck it out as long as possible before our wet clothing told us it was time to go.

Enjoying the sunshine at the Duluth Air Show

The Navy band, tearing it up!

Representin' Sacramento...whuuttttt!

Representin' Duluth....holllllaaa!

We visited the NASA exhibit and...Chris fulfilled his dream of visiting space.

The Blue Angels, all lined up on the runway.

This is what we should have seen...Blue Angels against blue skies. Instead, I saw a bunch of raindrops in my eyes. (Hey...I should make that into a song!)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for a wonderful date! I had a blast getting my face burnt even though it was cloudy, trying to talk to you while forgetting you had ear plugs in, and most importantly sitting in the car for almost 2 hours until we finally got home. Our dates rule.

Jamie Stavenger said...

Oh yeah...I forgot to mention our souvenir sunburns. :)

Perksofbeingme said...

Sounds like a great (well minus the rain and sunburns) time.

Random question- have you read the book The Shack? I'm almost finished with it and WOW.

Jenny H said...

Ow, Jamie! Your tooth! I remember those days...I hope it feels better now! I can't believe how long it has been since you moved time flies. :)