Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Itasca Legacy

As I was documenting our Fourth of July weekend, I included some pictures of Chris and I at Lake Itasca. Chris' mom mentioned that she had some pictures of the kids at the very same place when they were small. So, of course, I asked her to send them to me and...well....they are just too cute not to share. :)

That's Chris (far left), Eric, Carrie and Brian.
And, BONUS...Chris' mom as a child with her siblings (Marcia is in the middle, back)


photoqueen said...

Someday you'll have your four kids on that same rock. That's beautiful.

Jamie Stavenger said...


Anonymous said...

BFF, what a great idea, I second it! Chris looks too lonely on that rock all alone. Looking forward to the next generation at Itasca! ;)