Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Birthday!

This is my little girl, Kendall.
Isn't she cute?
Tomorrow, December 23rd, she turns THREE years old.

Because she arrived nearly two weeks late, she's got one of those awkward too-close-to-Christmas-stress-mommy-out birthdays. 
Eventually, her birthday celebration will have to be distanced from Christmas festivities- already, it's proving to be's just a busy time for EVERYONE, and I really want Kendall to feel like she's a priority on her special day.
This year we're keeping things low key and relatively blended- but it will be the last year we do it this way.  Maybe we'll celebrate her half-birthday, maybe we'll celebrate a couple weeks early, we'll get it figured out. 

I'm so excited to celebrate this girl tomorrow. 
She has been the greatest blessing of a child I could ever imagine- patient with her brother, sleeps like a champ, loves to help, entertains us with her singing and dancing.  She has more personality than that petite body can hold, so it spills out and leaves a trail of sparkles everywhere.  

God knew we needed her, and she has brought so much joy to our family.
Happy birthday to my sweet Bug-Bug, Kendall Mendall!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Blessed Assurance

Well, [long exhale here]...

Last Sunday, we were part of a worldwide candlelight vigil for parents who have lost children.  Less than a week later, twenty more sets of parents were violently inducted into that horrible club.

I've had some time to process the events of last Friday, though I'm not anywhere close to reconciling this horrific act with a peaceful spirit.  The two are diametrically opposed.  I know that others are trying to do the same, and we're all failing miserably.  I've seen posts insinuating that this was somehow God's will or that it happened because we've removed God from the schools, yadda yadda.  People, this is JUST NOT TRUE.  It was NOT God's will for these precious children to die in such a tragic way.  I fully believe His heart is broken over this, just as it was when His Son died a brutal death on the cross.  And, without embarking on a political commentary here, God is as present in the schools as He has ever been.  Just because children aren't rallied together to pray doesn't mean that God has fled and left school children to fend for themselves.  It's just not so. 

As we ALL struggle to restore our faith in humanity, and more importantly, lean into our faith in God, it's important to remember what is TRUE, what is CERTAIN.  A message from Bayside Church's pastor resonated with me, so I'll share this excerpt with you:

I am certain that this senseless act breaks the heart of God because…
  • I am certain that God understands what it means to lose a son
  • I am certain that every one of today’s victims was precious to God
  • I am certain that God is near to the brokenhearted
  • I am certain that no life is ever devoid of meaning no matter how short
  • I am certain that Jesus meant it when He said, “Let the little children come to me”
  • I am certain that life is precious and that every day with your kids is a gift
  • I am certain that America needs to rediscover a reverence for life
  • I am certain that a day is coming when suffering will cease and God will reign
  • I am certain that when anyone closes their eyes here for the last time and wakes up in the arms of Jesus – they will be more alive than they have ever been. 

I have seen the effects of losing a child first-hand, and it introduces an element of fear in me that I can't even describe.  I don't know how I would cope had it been my own child caught in the line of fire.  Honestly, I can't even allow myself to think about it too hard.  My heart aches for the community of Newtown, as reports of daily funerals trickle in.  All I can do is pray that the PEACE that passes all understanding descends on them and that the nearness of God makes itself overwhelmingly apparent.  I know you are praying that with me.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

The Light of Remembrance

Our family will be again participating in the upcoming Worldwide Candle Lighting, an annual hour of remembrance for all children who have died, at any age, from any cause. 

Started by The Compassionate Friends and now in it's 16th year, it takes place the second Sunday of December, this year on Dec. 9th.  Around the world, candles are lit from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in each time zone, creating a wave of light circling the globe. 

Perhaps the timing of this event has something to do with the busy holiday season - the Christmas parties, parades, the toy and gift advertisements, Santas at the mall, the plans for family gatherings and holiday vacations - a time that is family-focused, and can bring the absence of a child (or, in my case, a sibling) into sharper focus.  In the midst of all that, it seems a good time to pause, reflect, take stock of things that matter, let a light join many others in remembrance, and with the strength of that collective surge of support, go on through the holidays.

We'll light a candle for Derek, in gratitude for the light that he was and will always be in our lives, also remembering with a special prayer the many other moms and dads who are in this world without a child, brothers and sisters who have lost a comrade in life.  If you'd like to join in, just light a candle Sunday at 7:00 pm and be a part of the wave!  As it moves around the world, it is sure to be a spectacular show of light and love from heaven's view that no Disney parade or TSO concert can match!  

If you'll be participating in this simple gesture, we'd love to know about it.  Let us know who you'll be remembering with your candle. 

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Teach Your Children Well

I spent many years as an elementary school teacher.
After putting in hours, days, months of imparting knowledge to these little ones, I can't tell you how appreciative I was when parents went the extra mile to reinforce concepts at home.  Conversely, it was so frustrating when parents left e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g up to me. 

Now, Sunday School operates in a different system altogether.  Unlike grade school, I feel as if I am/should be my child's primary teacher when it comes to our faith.  I trust Kendall's teachers, but I don't drop her off on Sunday mornings expecting her to glean her spiritual lesson for the week and "close the book" until the following Sunday.  I know far too many people- adults- that practice their Christian walk on a weekly-check-in basis.  You'll see them at church, but you'll never hear Jesus' name uttered in conversation thoughout the week.  (Well, you might...)

We want to model for our children what walking with Jesus daily looks like.  And bringing that down to a three-year-old's level of understanding is sometimes a challenge.  I try to make it a point to pray with her multiple times a day, not just at the dinner table, not just at bedtime.  Some days, like today, I fail miserably.  Lately, we've had problems with whining and moping, so quick prayers asking Jesus to "help change our attitude" have been teachable moments (ohhhh, Lawwwd...we've had a lot of these lately!).  In this Christmas season, spending time in the Word has been natural.  The Awana program at our church provides a more structured lesson midweek, and Kendall enjoys seeing her friends. 

When we started attending Bethel, we noticed that Kendall's Sunday School lessons were always summarized in a coloring page which she proudly awarded to us after church.  I began collecting them and assembled a binder full, which we read on a regular basis.  Not only does it display Kendall's artwork, but it continually reinforces what she knows about God.  We love it...and Kendall looks forward to adding a page in her book every week!

This mama is always looking for new ideas.  How are you helping your kiddos walk with Jesus daily?  Creative ideas? 

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Scary Reindeer!

Last year, Kendall received a plush Rudolph doll. 
Well, it didn't go over so well.
She burst into tears every time she saw it.
I chalked it up to the two-year-old crazies and put it back in the box of decorations.

This year, we came across it as we were decorating the tree, and Kendall was pretty interested. 
"Great!  Last year was just a fluke", I thought. 
As the night wore on, her little imagination slowly broke her down.
Yes...this was the same scary reindeer that traumatized her last year, and she hadn't forgotten.

Now, poor Rudolph is again relegated to spending the Christmas season in hiding.
If, by chance, a certain little brother finds him in the toybox and sets him free, you'll find Kendall wincing and whining in the other room.
I'm interested to see if watching the Rudolph movie on TV will change her opinion of our resident reindeer.
For now, Rudolph better steer clear of this girl:

Monday, December 03, 2012

Our Nativity is Better Than Yours

Our toys often get mixed up.  I found all of the above friends hanging out with baby Jesus today.
Just in case you missed it, that IS a koala appearing with the angel.
Also, the lesser-famous attendees at the birth of Jesus:
The chimpanzee
The flamingo
The crossing guard (for all the flamingos, apparently)
The zookeeper
AND the small child in a wheelchair.
(Because the "good news of great joy shall be for ALL the people"...including the disabled.)

Oh, and our nativity has a ferris wheel.  So, yeah.  Best nativity ever.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Giving Thanks

Hi friends.  Welcome back.
I sincerely hope you enjoyed a special Thanksgiving this week. 

Our Thanksgiving Day was restful, as we chose to abate tradition this year in favor of letting someone else cook for us.  We weathered the heavy snowfall and headed to a local restaurant to partake of our Thanksgiving feast.  It's funny how people seem to instantly pity you when you tell them you're eating out on Thanksgiving.  "Come over to our house!"  "We'll have some extra!  Please swing by!"  Listen, I think it's just what we needed this year.  No fuss, no mess, no stress.  And while you folks were scrubbing your broiler pans and spot-cleaning wine glasses, I was snuggling my kids on the couch watching "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving". 

I love Thanksgiving traditions, but it was nice to have a little break this year...and believe me, Kendall was happier with her macaroni-and-cheese than a plate of turkey and stuffing.  :)

I was listening to a radio program in the car on Wednesday night.  The host asked the question, "What are you thankful for this year that you couldn't have imagined being thankful for last year?"  Callers trickled in.  Babies.  New job.  Relocations.  As I tried to formulate an answer for myself, I thought surely not everyone can answer this question.  I mean, they don't know what kind of a year I've had!  I don't exactly feel *thankful*, not more thankful than last year anyway. 

And then I picked up my copy of  Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist.  I haven't read through the book entirely, but I quickly flipped through some unread territory at the back of the book.  A chapter called "Happy Thanksgiving" seemed timely, so I sat down to scan it.  And then, I came across a paragraph which seemed to pen what has been swirling in my head:

"What I've found this year, though, is a different kind of gratitude. the swirling pain and confusion of that season, a few people told me that at some point, I would be happy for this, thankful, even.  That didn't sit well with me, and it felt even worse than the cliches about closing doors and opening windows.  It felt cruel:  not only was I not supposed to be sad, I was supposed to be thankful?  It felt inauthentic and creepy, and I swore to myself that even if I healed someday, even if the pain abated, even if I was happy again, I would never be thankful for this.  I would never be one of those people who's thankful for cancer because of what it taught them, or thankful for the divorce for teaching them to be independent.  I would never be thankful for this."

Okay, so I'm not the only person in the world struggling with gratitude.   Circumstantial gratitude, anyway- if there is such a thing.  At the core of my being, I am always grateful for God's grace, for His patience with me, for walking with me through deep valleys, for keeping my eyes open on days marked with utter exhaustion, for the gift of motherhood (even when it gets tough), for the joys of family and friends.  Even as I write these now, I'm realizing that I appreciate all of these blessings more than last year, belatedly answering my radio friend's question.

I read on, and God spoke to me as He often does when I'm paying attention- and He had my full attention.  Indulge me, if you will, as I share one more passage with you:

"I am all the cliches that made me so mad several months ago.  I believe in the gift of pain.  I believe that loss deepens us.  ... I am grateful for God's graciousness toward me that he would teach me these things.  And I could gag at that sentence, for how Pollyanna it sounds.  As much as I hate to admit it, I've found a new gratitude, and it's gratitude for the way God has redeemed darkness and pain, for the way He brings something beautiful out of something horrible.  ... When we stood in a circle to pray and close our night together, we held hands and thanked God for the darkness, and for the way the darkness had become light, and in that moment, we practiced Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving for the uncomplicated happiness of babies and friendship and food, and for the very complicated joys that come from loss, from failure, from reaching the bottom and pushing back up to the light."

My blessings looked different this year.  There was one more at our dinner table and there was one less (an unsettling pattern in my life lately).  But as we ate, I felt content.  I giggled as Kendall ordered her own Macaroni and Cheese.  I watched Carter gobble up his first green beans.  Later, we enjoyed the apple pie that my mom and I had made earlier in the day, a blessing in both the making and the eating.  And my husband, who was on-call for the holiday, was home from work in time to share all of it with us.  I am grateful. And like a kid who earns money for that new toy by tending a lemonade stand for hours, I appreciate life and it's richness more.  I appreciate the people in my life more.  I appreciate good days and laughter more.  That's what I was thankful for this year.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Carter Update

Thank you for your prayers, friends.  Carter's procedure at U of M was, again, successful.
The surgical team calmly wheeled him back to the operating room, and fifteen minutes later we were with him in the recovery room.
They administered the minimum amount of anesthesia, checked his pressures, determined his eyes looked A-OK and finished up.  No IV, no breathing tube, no sticky adhesives....for that, I'm so thankful. 
The prognosis is great- we'll return in another four months to do a pressure check.  In the meantime, monthly visits to our local optometrist will be added to the calendar. 
The doctors and nurses swoon over Carter every time...this time, noting that he looks like he could issue them a loan or explain to them quantum physics in his sharp new glasses.  :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I stumbled across these words scribbled in the back of my's worth remembering :)

We are on our way down to St. Paul once again to have Carter's eye pressure checked under anesthesia.  This appointment should let us know definitively whether his previous treatments were successful in ridding him of his high pressures.  If that's the case, we may not have to do this routine again in the foreseeable future!  Anything less than good news from the surgeon would surprise me, as his disposition has shown evidence of contentment in recent months (at least as far as his eyes are concerned).  More on this front soon.  In the meantime, we welcome your prayers.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

A Winning Week!

We watched the San Francisco Giants WIN the World Series for the second time in 3 years!  Whoooop!
Kendall proudly sported her Giants shirt from Miss Sharon :)
Carter was our little MVP :)

My mom and I baked (and baked and baked) a spread of fall goodies and invited our friends to come enjoy them with us!  Pies, breads, trifles, cobblers, cookies, was carb heaven, and we had a full house of people we really like a lot.  Totally worth it!

Kendall helped carve her first pumpkin!  She was NOT impressed or interested in touching the slimy insides, but was happy with the friendly outcome!  Then, we ventured out with our little "happy ghost" and "teddy bear" for some trick-or-treating fun!
 Kendall and Carter took their first bath TOGETHER!  This is a milestone for us, in part because Carter has never taken a bath without protesting.  I guess having sister in with him was a suitable distraction and...a lot of fun!
We made our final selection, and Carter was fitted for his new frames!  Just a little wait while the lenses come in...soon our little guy will look like THIS in his pictures!
Kendall learned this week how to use the computer mouse, and we haven't been able to tear her away from her Disney Junior games online since!'s scary how quickly they learn!

I sang at church in the morning, and Kendall wanted to explore the stage after the service.  We soon found her at the piano with the microphone doing her thing, just like mommy :)

Another week in the books! 

Friday, November 02, 2012

Not Just Any Friday...

Five years ago today, I pulled off the biggest scam in history.

Living in Long Beach, I was on my way to a doctor's appointment across town.  Friday afternoon rush hour traffic slowed me down enough that by the time I arrived at the office, it had closed for the day.  "Great.  I'm going to have to take MORE time off of work now," I thought as I hastily walked back to my car.

Tired and frustrated at the culmination of a long week of work, and after a seven week drought in visits from my long-distance boyfriend, I slammed my car door shut and burst into tears.  I quickly dialed my bestie, Stephanie, who told me to go home, clean up, change and meet them for dinner.  Begrudgingly, I headed home to do just that, though I had no desire to spend YET ANOTHER Friday night with a bunch of couples as I sat on my own. 

My next call was to Chris, who listened to me vent about my trying day, and did the best he could to ward off my tears.  Hugs across the phone lines, though, were getting old.  I carefully navigated the way to my apartment as we talked, one mundane turn after another. 

I was prepared to exhale deeply when I walked in to my home- throw my purse on the ground, collapse on the couch and rest.  However, when I turned the doorknob, I looked up to find a man sitting just outside my kitchen.  Quickly, my brain processed what was happening...a bouquet of roses, my boyfriend looking excitedly nervous...

After I RAN to him and gave him a long overdue hug, he sat me down on the couch, dropped to one knee, took out a small black box, blah blah blah blah....YES!!  (Most of that is a blur now.)

Somehow, I convinced this amazing man to share his whole life with me.  Yes, I'm pretty proud of myself.  Well played, Jamie.  Well played.  :)

For the whole proposal story, check out the original blog post here :)

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Mommy's To-Do List

Ahhh, it's the first day of a new month.
I love the squeaky-clean freshness that brings.

Every job has periodic performance reviews, but as a stay-at-home-mommy, I have to take a little initiative in making myself better at my "job".  I found this cute little to-do list, and thought this would be as good a time as any to implement it.  Really, these are ALL things we should be doing on a regular basis anyway.

I can tell you right now:  Day 29 will be the most challenging :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What a Spectacle!

We visited the optical store recently and had Carter fitted for some new frames!
Now, there wasn't a huge selection of infant-sized glasses, so they are actually ordering in some more from which we can select.  But we got a general idea of what they look like on him, even though he was making his "bitter beer face" most of the time.

Which do YOU think suits our little guy the best?
OPTION 1:  Long and squarish.  We really liked these on his face, though the stickers in the picture make his eyes look a little cray-cray.  These are Flexicon, so they twist and are virtually indestructible. 

OPTION 2:  Long and Rounded.  LOVED these, but this particular style was Nick Jr. featuring Dora the Explorer.  So wrong for him, but I'm open to seeing something similar.

OPTION 3:  Roundish.  SUPER CUTE for a costume, perhaps, but I thought these came across a little Harry Potter-ish.  I don't know...this picture is making me have second thoughts.  I kinda like 'em!

OK- your turn.  What's your vote?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy Orange-tober!

Hummmmm BABY!
Who cares about Presidential Debates when our GIANTS are contending for the World Series!
We've been tuning in from our cozy living room in North Dakota as many friends have attended the games in San Francisco (some even stopping to pay homage to Derek's brick at the ballpark's new World Champions Walk and thoughtfully sending us pictures...).

My brother, Derek, was a longtime Giants fan, often traveling to the beautiful ballpark to cheer them on.   As children, we followed the excitement of "Will the Thrill", and tuned in for the 1989 Battle of the Bay as our living room swayed during game 3's earthquake.  Though baseball, as a sport, has gone through some tough times, and the Giants have quietly been rebuilding, we have never put our fan-dom to rest.

This will be the second world series appearance in the three years since Derek has been gone.  It's bittersweet- we SO wish that he could cheer with us- but think, perhaps, he's had a hand in this recent winning streak :)

Oh, and I'd like to extend "condolences" to my newest sister-in-law and die-hard Cardinals fan, Lauren.  Since we placed a friendly wager on this series, I should be getting something sweet very soon... :)


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Opening Day at the Buffet...

Here's what we had for lunch today:

Waffles with Maple Syrup
Organic Tortilla Chips and Salsa
Steak Jerky
Pork Tenderloin bites
Meatballs in Marinara Sauce
Imported English Cheeses
Belgian Chocolate Cookies
Fresh Apple-Carrot Juice
Mixed Nuts and Cashews
Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese in Balsamic Vinegar
Columbian Coffee
Rotisserie Chicken
Glazed Ham
Chocolate Macadamia Turtles
Mickey Mouse Chicken Nuggets
Apple Pie

Thank you, COSTCO, for providing such a fine smorgasbord of delectable goodies!
(Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch?)
Oh, and welcome to North Dakota!

First Costco to Open in North Dakota

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Renewing our Strength

We've had some pretty sleepless nights around here.
I'm not going to's exhausting, for all of us.
But we have seen little windows of progress that are encouraging, and propel us forward.

If there is such a thing as "an oldie but a goodie" when it comes to Bible verses (aren't they all old?  aren't they all good?), the following is one of them.  It was inscribed on my heart in my youth, one of the first verses I can remember taking to memory.

Unlike certain songs that flood the radio airwaves and quickly wear out their welcome, God's word makes itself new and fresh as we walk our different paths.  Today I'm looking at this scripture through sleep-deprived, "frustrated mommy" eyes...and it couldn't be more timely and inspiring.

Isaiah 40:28-31  Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God,   the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;   they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;   they shall walk and not faint.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beware of Mommy!

I've had an extraordinarily short fuse lately.
I know it has something to do with my altered sleep pattern lately, and I've been biting my lip so the whole household here doesn't feel my wrath.

So, I'm going to vent it out here.  LUCKY YOU!
**If you are looking for a motivational post, you are in the wrong place!**

1.  SOCKS that are TOO LOOSE.  It's finally sweater/sock season here, and after going barefoot the past few months, I've been forced to put a layer over my ice-cold toes.  Unfortunately, my socks all seemed to GROW since last winter.  (Or, more logically, I was pregnant and had big feet that stretched them all out!)  In any case, loose socks make me CRAZY.  It's a day-ruiner, like uncooperative hair or baggy, tired eyes.

2.  PRODUCE BAGS at the GROCERY STORE.  I literally had tears in my eyes over this recently.  When I cannot get the *%#$@ bag open, not only do I feel like the world's biggest idiot, but it's a huge time waster.  I don't have time like that.

3.  PLASTIC BAGS full of groceries.  I am a paper bag girl, and I don't mind that I'm not "saving the environment".  On a recent trip to the supermarket, they wrongly assumed I would want plastic bags for my cart FULL of groceries.  Not only do they use a ridiculous number of plastic bags (here, let me give you a bag for every. single. item.) but their amoebic shape means their contents are going to be rolling around my trunk by the time I get home anyway.

4.  POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ADS.  Need I say more?

5.  "NOOO, KOTTTA, NOOOOO!!!!"  Sibling aggravation.  Ahhh, it's just going to get worse from here.  Carter is IN LOVE with his sister.  Really, it's amazing...he's a magnet.  She leaves the room, he's crawling in there.  She looks his way, his face lights up.  She has a toy, he wants to play with her.  And while she loves her brother when she wants to love her brother, she does NOT love him when he's all up in her business- which is pretty much all the time now.  "No Kotta!  That's mine!!  Noooo!  Mommy, take baby over there??"  (Mommy pounds forehead on keyboard.)

6.  THE CLERK AT THE HALLMARK STORE who threw my credit card at me today for no apparent reason.  Now, I'm not one to punch old ladies but let me tell you...I almost became one today.  It may be that the only reason I spared her is because I'm saving my first punch for the lady behind the B&N Starbucks counter, who has been on my list for quite some time.  (No, I'm not threatening actual physical violence here.)

7.  PEOPLE who are NOT DOING THEIR JOB.  I stood in line behind five other people while one clerk was behind the counter working up a sweat, and another was wandering the front of the store like she was lost.  Now, I have become much more brazen in my "old age".  Either that, or my time is just much more valuable when I have other duties to attend to.  So you better believe I chased down that comatose employee and "asked" her to lend a hand.  Ugh.  This doesn't bode well for a stress-free Christmas shopping season.

8.  POOR GRAMMAR.  I'm a former teacher.  It's in my blood.  And poor grammar has ALWAYS bothered me.  But lately, I've seen a crazy influx of my EDUCATED FRIENDS using incorrect tenses, inappropriate punctuation and horrible spelling.  We are in our thirties now, friends.  Time to learn the difference between your and you're.
9.  SNAPS on BABY CLOTHES.  They are enough to drive me to tears lately!  (I'm telling you, my hormones are in a bunch.)  Carter likes to play this game called "kick, twist and cry" when I have to snap him up.  It's super fun.  And, this scenario usually ends with having to redo them all anyway because I MISSED ONE %&$# SNAP.

I realize this post may make me sound like a horrible person.
All of these things are, of course, silliness in the grand scheme of things.
But seriously, folks....I'd be a happier person if you would just check your spelling and buy me some socks.

Feel free to add number 10 to my list...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Country Bumpkins

You can practically feel the leaves brushing your cheek, can't you?

Spring cleaning came late this year...this "autumn makeover" was way overdue!  If you are on my blog page, you'll notice a spruced-up and up-to-date header, as well as some new colors and textures.  A nice'll do, at least until winter :)

We took advantage of unseasonably high temperatures at the end of September to visit the Pumpkin Patch with some friends.  As we discovered, not many people are thinking "pumpkin patch" in September.  Thus, we were treated to some country fun virtually all to ourselves!  This was a stark contrast to LAST year's trip, which was cut short because we nearly froze to death in the midst of huge crowds.

I'll add to the new fall flavor on this page with some sweet pics from the patch :)
Carter was mesmerized by the baby animals!

My little beauty.

She can not even contain her excitement.
Only kids in the patch= extra train time!

Can you see that tongue out? 

Truly, a child of the corn.

Baby "Kotta" enjoying a ride with Sissy

Gotta love a girl in boots!

Kendall and her buddy, Olivia, head out to check the merch :)

Hey country bumpkin!  How's the frost down on that pumpkin?
My heart melts :)

I had some fun with editing these cuties...
FINALLY, a family picture with all FOUR of us looking at the camera!  (Hi, Carter!)
Happy harvest, friends!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Uncle Derek!

Chris:  Kendall, who made the trees?
Kendall:  Um, JESUS!
Chris:  Right!  And who made the moon?
Kendall:  Umm, UNCLE DEREK!

Jamie:  Let's say our prayers before we go to bed!  What do you want to tell Jesus?
Kendall:  Umm, HI UNCLE DEREK!  (Waves hand...)

Chris:  Kendall, who made you so pretty?
Kendall:  UNCLE DEREK!
Jamie:  I'll bet Uncle Derek told Jesus to make you EXTRA pretty because you are his special niece!

Chris:  (naptime) Let's say a prayer before we do sleepies!  Should we thank God for Uncle Derek?
Kendall:  Uncle Derek made our house!
Chris:  Um, no, not really...

Three years ago today, Uncle Derek became our little girl's angel.  I think Kendall has a special connection with him.  He did, after all, get to feel her little feet kicking and was excited to be an uncle!  Clearly, she knows Uncle Derek is an important part of our lives.  I'm pretty sure she thinks God, Jesus, and Uncle Derek are just bumming around heaven like pals, creating things and watching her from the sky.  It's skewed theology, but I'm okay with it for now.  The whole Holy Spirit thing would throw her for a loop at two-years-old anyway.

Uncle Derek, we love you!  Thank you for being a part of my little girl's life from afar.  I hope you hear every "I love you" and "HI UNCLE DEREK" from her excited lips!
(Carter, Grandma D and I spruced up Derek's marker on our summer trip to California.)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sneak Preview...

Amongst the greatest of my halloween memories are the costumes my mom handmade for me. 
Now, my sewing skills are pretty remedial (I haven't threaded a bobbin since high school...), but I'm pretty competent when it comes to craftiness.
I was pretty excited to put together Kendall's halloween costume this year.

Now, no spoilers on the finished product, but this is how it's coming together...