Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jamie Recommends...

1. Seattle's Best Coffee- Cinnabon. Ok, so I've been passing on the 'Bucks and the 'Bou in order to pinch some pennies, so I needed to find a substitute that would satiate my girly coffee tastes. And boy did I find it! Now I can have as much coffee as I want during the day, and I'm not throwing money down the drain! (Although, Liana, if I lived in So Cal, I would definitely be stopping by Starbucks for one of your new sweet treats!) Mmmm....I can smell my coffee brewing now...

2. Get working internet service. Yesterday, I was so frustrated with ours that I avoided the computer altogether. That means today, I have about 50 blog feeds to read. Plus, it really puts a damper in my internet backgammon fetish.

3. Wear a sweater to the grocery store. This is the first thought that runs through my head every time I enter the doors. You'd think I'd get a clue, but, NOPE! I forget EVERY time. It makes cruising the frozen food aisle really unpleasant. On the other hand, it does contribute to an expedient shopping experience!

4. Revisit the film Far and Away. You remember the one...Tom and Nicole, back in the day. It's a good date night movie. Who doesn't like a great soundtrack by John Williams? AND, it is guaranteed to make you speak with an Irish accent for a couple days. *warning: this may drive your husband crazy.*

5. Watch the homerun derby with your significant other. Even if you aren't a baseball fan, it's pretty entertaining. If you can't sit and watch, at least be in the same room as your man. The giggling and hollering is even more entertaining than the event. Bonus: Chris was pleased that a Minnesota Twin took home the victory title.

I shall bestow more wisdom on you later. Until then, do you have any recommends to add?


Perksofbeingme said...

Brittany recommends:

The song "I Stand" by Idina Menzel. It's a great song (along with Brave by Idina) Both are great songs that I'm obsessed with at the moment.
--I Stand- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-kO8bH0QQ8
--Brave- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2UTZ3uhjfw

That's all for now, but once I can think of some more things I'll be sure to let you know.

Jamie Stavenger said...

Ah...I loved her in "Wicked". However, once a broadway singer, always a broadway singer! You can tell what her training is!

That reminds me, Brittany, have you listened to "Brave" by Nichole Nordeman?

Perksofbeingme said...

No I haven't. I mean I've heard of her but I haven't listened to that. Should I?

LynzMiller said...

I love Seattle's Best: Cinnabon Coffee and I don't like coffee. Good recommendations. I have a hankering to watch Far and Away now. ;)

Perksofbeingme said...

I'm listening to the song Brave and I really like. I like the words, but then again you probably knew I would. Thanks for the new song.