
Monday, September 22, 2008

I Knew There Was Something Different About You...

Me: Are you a student helper? (said to the high school girl sitting behind me, with the long, black hair and the John Lennon spectacles)

Student: No. I'm in this class.

Me: Really? Why are you sitting back here?

Student: Everyone that hates me is in this class.

Me: Well, that's challenging. But, you know, in life you'll encounter people that dislike you from time to time. It's life. You need to figure out how to step around that so it doesn't affect your ability to get your work done.

Student: They pick on me because I'm half wolf.

Me: Half what?

Student: Half wolf.

Me: Ohhhh.

End of conversation. I don't have any experience in wolf education.


Anonymous said...

Honey, I forgot to tell you that we do have half-wolf people in Duluth. I can't believe I didn't tell you that! Oops! haha.

Perksofbeingme said...

I believe her and I would have been great friends when I was in high school. I was weird (and still am). I can only imagine how alone she feels.

Anonymous said...

*Half* wolf! I wonder which half? And, was mom or dad the wolf? That's what you get for moving across the country! ; )

Deborah. said...

HAHAHHAHHHA. On Friday we had our first group of homeschooler kids come for the teaching PE class and I had the 6th grade boys count off from 1-6. It went like this...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...PURPLE.

I was like "purple is not a number so let's go with six for now ok?"

photoqueen said...

Oh my gosh! Did you see the show on TLC about feral children? They totally had kids that were raised by wolves and acted like dogs. You should totally do a study on her.

Steph said...

you really should've posted the rest of this story...

what ever happened to he-man and she-ra being acceptable superheroes?!?

Jamie Stavenger said...

Steph is referring to the fact that the girl in question was planning on dressing up as Marilyn Manson for "Superhero Dress-Up Day" at school.