Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Things I Learned as a P.E. Teacher

  • Gymnasiums amplify noise by a million.
  • There are hundreds of variations for every game...and each of your students will know a different one.
  • 8th graders can be really pleasant...or really evil.
  • They think all their regular P.E. teachers are "weird".
  • P.E. teachers ARE usually kinda weird, you gotta admit.
  • "Greg & Steve" CD's are still great teaching tools for the little ones.
  • In games of "Freeze", boys will ALWAYS fall on the floor at the last minute.
  • A whistle is a necessity.
  • I really should have stretched this morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You would be proud! I posted TWICE in one day to make up for my lack of blogging! Go me!