Tuesday, September 09, 2008

How Did I Not Know This?!

I'm usually the first person to broadcast to the world the official commencement of Autumn: aka, the arrival of the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. But I see Sarah already beat me to it! With only 2 Starbucks locations in Duluth, I feel like I have gone from a close friend to a distant acquaintance. I haven't been there in months. But the return of this old friend certainly warrants a special trip on a cloudy, chilly day.


Anonymous said...

oh no. Not the Starbucks every day thing again! haha.

Becky said...

I had the first pumpkin scone of the season last Friday. I heart fall!

photoqueen said...

I saw it in the drive through when we where on the phone and I meant to say something...

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Had I known you loved it so much I could have given you a heads up weeks in advance and let you know the exact date on which you could have your first pumpkin treat.

Sarah said...


I'm drinking one right now, and the new girl at my usual Starbucks calls me "pumpkin Spice Latte girl". I don't mind! :-)

Sarah said...
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