Tuesday, August 05, 2008

When Your Hair Stands Up Straight

I was asked to be a guest blogger for Brittany at perksofbeingme while she is away...so I wrote the entry below. But I thought you may be able to contribute to this brainstorm as well, seeing as you've been CHAMPION commenters lately (I love you.). Go here to see my guest post and leave Brittany some love.

Today I thought I'd address a phenomenon surely ALL of us have experienced: goosebumps.

Certainly, there are good goosebumps and there are bad- very bad- goosebumps. Let's brainstorm together, shall we?

GOOD goosebumps:
*The climax of a brilliant symphony, especially when experienced in person at a grand concert hall.
*Your sweetie whispering a kind word in your ear.
*The end of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" when they shout, "Move that bus!"
*Finding just the right Bible verse to soothe your soul
*The chorus of a song on the radio that speaks right to you.
*Finding "that spot" on your back that has been itching for hours.
*Hearing great news from a friend over the phone.
*When "your team" makes an insane comeback to win the game (that was my husband's contribution)
* (are you thinking of another one to add??)

BAD goosebumps:
*The quintessential scratching of the chalkboard.
*Nail files (ok...this is a personal quirk of mine. You probably don't share this one.)
*Duluth in January.
*The sound of utensils dragging across your ceramic plate.
*A foul note from a live performance.
*A convicting word that pierces your heart.

Alright, faithful bloggers...it is now your turn.
What would you contribute to this list?


bobby said...

I'm just glad you said the nail file thing. You are SO not the only one. Really, I don't see the difference between that and the chalkboard.

Karen Neal said...

Clean glass. Bad goosebumps.
Heaven. Good goosebumps.

Anonymous said...

Perfect harmony.
A song that triggers a special memory.
And from Dad:
The itchy back- what she said.