Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why does my right arm feel like it's burning?

I have very few words for this, other than I think SOMEONE's publicist has gone a tad bit overboard.


Will said...

Praise the Lord!

Jenn Glenn said...

Someone's gotta be the sceptic...and it will be ME! Now I'm just wondering which church they stole that Bible from, cause you know there are way cuter Bibles out there!

Jamie Stavenger said...

...or which HOTEL she got it from?

Anonymous said...

That's HOT!

(the bible, that is)

MLasch said...

I love that both books are facing out, instead of up the way most of us would carry a book, and that both titles are clearly visible. How long do you think she practiced this in a mirror?

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

Maybe Paris is a Gideon in disguise.