Thursday, May 10, 2007

Life (Group) on the Farm

Finally, our Norwalk Life Group is underway, meeting at the home of Eric and Ashley Lapointe (which is also a peacock farm in the middle of Southern California). We were all very familiar with the mating calls of said birds by the end of our time together- somewhat distracting, but quite humorous. Good food, good peeps...what more is there to say? Here are a couple snapshots from the evening:

Howdy, Roxeanne! (Contrary to picture documentation, there WERE boys in our life group, too!)

Looks like our group is going to be needing child care soon, with Ashley and Steph both prego.

"Let there be cupcakes," thus sayeth the Lord.


Anonymous said...


How completely appropriate...the fatty's next to the sweets (and with a BIG smile)!!!

Thanks for capturing that, Jamie...really.

Eric said...

I finally made your blog...this is a big day for me.