Saturday, May 05, 2007

Open Mouth, Insert Foot ( many "points" is a foot worth?)

Hello, all of my bestest friends!

I had an AMAZING time at the Leeland concert last night, despite some mixing problems they were having...but definitely recommend the live version of their songs. Totally worth it.

However, I am currently blogging from a friend's computer, that of Christopher Lytle, Downey Campus Pastor extraordinaire. Christopher is still writhing over a conversation we had a couple of days ago. As penance for his commentary, I have asked him to write a "guest blogger" entry for me. I'll let him tell the story.

And now, without further ado, Mr. Christopher Lytle....


I write to you with great sadness and embarrassment on this spring evening as I relive a tragic use of words that from here on out shall be referred to only as...

"The One with the Incident".

It began with laughter and fun (like most evenings that I am involved with). Several friends gathered together at T.G.I. Fridays for a late dinner before we headed off to see the midnight showing of Spiderman 3. As I sat in the middle of the table listening to Butka on the left of me share his excitement over his plastic sword and Lori and Rachel on my right recounting how they almost died while hiking I noticed my friend Jamie coming around the corner.

I did not know Jamie was going to grace us with her presence that evening so it was with much surprise and joy that we welcomed her to our table. She took her seat at the table, ordered some food, and began chit-chatting with the other ladies at the table.

As I sat in the midst of the cacophony, that was our T.G.I.Fridays experience, my mind began to wander. I began to think about Disneyland, vacation, church, my daughter, and dieting...then it happened.

Jamie had just taken a bite of her parmesean crusted quesadilla, suddenly, without warning, without mouth opened...and out came the words that will forever haunt me..."Are you going to go to Weight Watchers?" Which I am pretty sure was taken as, "Hey Fatty! As you stuff your face with the cheese crusted cheese I hope you are thinking of how to burn that off."

I know, I know...I'm a horrible person.

As soon as I said it I knew it did not come out the way I meant it to.

You see Leanne and I are starting Weight Watchers on Monday...we are actually joining two of our friends who are already attending...and I thought it would be fun to get a bunch of people to go so it would be like a Revolution Weight Watchers meeting. I was just trying to find a few more people to go. I was not trying to insinuate that Jamie needed to lose weight, nor was I trying to offend her in was merely a poorly thought out suggestion to aid me in my own weight loss needs.

So with the above being shared for all the world to see I feel it is only right for me to offer my apology to my friend Jamie Petersen. Jamie, can you find it in your heart to forgive me?


Um, okay. Does that mean I can't tease you about it indefinitely? It's such good material!


Kevin said...

I think i'd be more offended for recieving a meal 30 minutes after the fact... and still be charged for it!

good times@

I think Butka needs an intervention for his "Sports" addiction that was on full force that night!

photoqueen said...

That's the best! I'm laughting so hard right now! It really helps to hire a self editor these days. Sometimes the wrong stuff just comes out!

angelina said...

that story made me laugh so hard....don't you worry i will be giving him a hard time when i see him tomorrow...unless he ditches me again!

Anonymous said...

E-Hole-A Man this is funny. But really why pay some place to watch you gain weight??? I mean I dont get paid and I have been watching Louisa gain weight for the last five years and all she gives me is a headake. So I will charge you half of what they want plus our meetings will be at Burrito Track. Hasta