Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beware the Ides of March!

It was March 15th in the year 44 B.C. when Julius Caesar was assassinated- stabbed to death by a group of senators after being warned by a soothsayer days earlier with the now infamous phrase: "Beware the Ides of March." "Ides" simply denotes the middle of the month, but because of it's historical implications, the 15th of March now arrives with a "foreboding of doom."

Or, if you live near Caesar's hometown, it's time to throw on your toga and run through the streets!
Be safe, everyone!

(Today's shout-out goes to You're right, IS addicting!)


bobby said...

Boy...thanks for that very encouraging word to start my day on!

Will said...

ok. you're shout out was to wikipedia. not me.

angelina said...

wikipedia is amazing! i'm on there ALL the time!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, thanks for the bit of historical knowledge. Those people in other countries sure no how to miss the point of a historical event. Oh wait, we hunt for colored eggs on Easter and look for a fat man to come down a chimney on Christmas.

MLasch said...

I love bits of fun information. Thanks for the education.