Monday, August 06, 2007

A Little Fog Won't Hurt Ya.

I'm back from my 5 day hiatis from the computer! (*gasp!*) I'm a little overwhelmed with all the BLOGS that I have to read- my superstar blogging friends have given me a lot to catch up on! (Yeah...I know that sentence ended with a preposition, but my brain is still on vacation mode a bit.) So, here's the scoop...I made the 7 hour trip to Monterey via mi coche, beginning at 5 a.m. I was Starbucks-less, which made it hard to get going, and L.A. morning traffic...well, that's all I need to say. GETTING THERE was worth it, though I would have appreciated a little SUNshine (that Marine layer just refuses to burn).

I joined up with Chris for his family reunion, taking place at Asilomar in Pacific Grove. Lovely place, lovely people. I exercised all kinds of skills throughout the weekend, taking on volleyball, poker, and ping-pong. Chris took home the poker trophy while I kept my title of reigning ping-pong champion. :)

The Stavenger kids...and a couple extras.

We got out for a little while to explore Ocean Avenue in Carmel, and Chris reluctantly joined us girls for the shopping venture.

Enjoying a little patch of sunshine in Carmel-by-the-Sea.

On day 2, the family dispersed and we bummed around Cannery Row for lunch and some free entertainment from THIS guy, who was rocking that Roland Key-tar with a commitment that wouldn't quit....

Day 3 began with a drive down 17-Mile-Drive, for some views of the Lone Cypress and golfer's paradise....Pebble Beach.

We were then joined by my parents and friends Bob, Grace, and Brittany Hersh for a round of golf at Poppy Hills. Though a bit chilly throughout the day, the scenery along the fairways was unbelievable.

My mom- in all of her birthday glory- kept a good pace with the men in her group! I'm so proud...

Up close and personal with the deer.

(Whoops...sometimes sand happens...)

We wrapped up Day 3 with dinner at Spanish Bay, in part to celebrate my mom's birthday. Chris' cousin, Matt, was also still in town, so he joined us and entertained us with many stories of his excursions in Europe.


Anonymous said...

YO if you dont keep that guy can i have him???? Luisa

Kevin said...

Keytars ROCK!!!!!

Heidi said...

Hi there,cousin of Chris;) Why do I sound a lil' bit like Yoda?