Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'll try not to judge you when you use poor grammar.

I am HORRIBLE at a lot of things. For the most part, I'm not an athlete. I will never win a beauty pageant, I have no idea what constitutes a "cute" shoe, and I'm REALLY bad with numbers. However, I can spot a grammatical error a mile away! I will champion proper language skills until the day I die.

With that being said, THIS is NOT correct:

This was at a bookstore. So...ALL those books belong to one kid?


Anonymous said...

The grammar sheriff cartoon is so hilarious. Where do you find that stuff at? :)

Jamie Stavenger said...

Like scratching a chalkboard, mom.

bobby said...

Wow. Alrighty then Grammar Nazi. I'll try not too make two many mistakes anymore in my blog posts for you anymore. K?

Besides, when you here or read bad grammar, figure it could be way worser. At least their not as bad as Ms. Teen South Carolinas map answering skills. ;)

Rick Bambrick said...

I personally believe that US Americans, because some kids out there, in, such as, South Africa and Iraq and the Asia countries need books for a kid's.... er.. nevermind

Unknown said...

OMG, i'm totally the same way when it comes to spelling and grammar! LOL. it's kinda like the "your" and "you're" that people always seem to mess up all the time... you know, "YOUR GOING TO THE MALL?" or something... lol. ugh!

Anonymous said...

The ones that drive me crazy are "your and you're, "there and their" and using the word "of" instead of "have". For example "I should of done this" insead of "I should HAVE done this".

bobby said...

Hey Annalynn, as long as YOU'RE a grammar nazi too, "I'm" should always be capitalized. "It's" should too if it's at the beginning of a sentence.

Hehe. ;)

Oh yeah...and ugh.

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

I think your head can explode now!