Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Things in my Mailbox

I got the strangest piece of mail yesterday. I was surprised to find the hand-written gem amongst the ads and coupons, and- believe me- I scrutinized it because some ads LOOK handwritten, but they aren't. This one was legit, and simply addressed to "Neighbor".

I will type verbatim what is included on my nicely handwritten letter:

(Return Address)

Dear Neighbor,

"My husband and I live in your neighborhood. We have not been able to speak with you personally, but we have some important things that we want to share with you. A sample of it is contained in the enclosed tract."

(The tract included reads: "Life in a Peaceful New World" and features the following picture. Some of you know where this is going already...)

"It is our privilege to share in a work that is being done by volunteers in upward of 200 lands. In all these lands, people are being invited to benefit from a program that helps people learn the Bible's answers to such important questions: Why do we grow old and die? What is the purpose of life? How can you find real happiness?"

"We engage in this activity because we are genuinely interested in our neighbors. OUR WORK IS NOT COMMERCIAL. It is our hope that someday soon we will be able to talk to you personally. Please feel free to get in touch with us at the above address."

Your Neighbor,

Look out, folks....the Jehovah's Witnesses are after me!! I'd better go prepare for my meeting with them!! Have any of you had a similar encounter?


Kevin said...

I haven't recieved that little nugget of info, but i did recieve a Prayer rug. When apparently praying on it, Jesus (who's face is on the rug) is supposedly supposed to wink at you.

Its a paper sheet and told that its a rug. go figure.

Below is a pic of the fantabulous rug.

bobby said...

When living in Temecula I had a couple J-Dubs come by our apt. We invited them in and set up a time to meet with them at length.

The time came. They showed up super late and didn't have long to stay supposedly. They pretty much monopolized the conversation and took off. That's my story.

tom sheepandgoats said...

"Look out, folks....the Jehovah's Witnesses are after me!!"

They're not. Not specifically, anyway.

Anonymous said...

It's the Watchtower Organization's goal, of course, to contact every residence once or twice a year so it's inevitable they got to you. Check Dr. Carlson's False Teachings book for a brush-up on their non-Christian man-made theology.

Anonymous said...

When I was living with Rich Baker and Rob Wheeland, we had a couple stop by. It felt like a game of bible trivia and I think we did pretty good. It was kind of sad though thinking back on it. My mom was a j-dub for ten years so I know we need to have an answer but they also need a lot of love when you are talking to them. I don't know if we did too good of a job of doing that but it's hard to love someone when they interrupt a Kings playoff game.

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

J-Dubs all up on you...Punch them in the face with some scripture

Rick Bambrick said...

Just love on them... there are a couple of reformed Jdub's at Revolution Lakewood... believe it, or not!