Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What Kanye West and I Have in Common...

Tagged by Bobby Marchessault! DOAH! Here's the deal:

When tagged, you have to take your birthday date and find out some things about it. You have to find, events, other people who were born on the same day, deaths and a holiday.

Since I was tagged by BOBBY, who has the SAME BIRTHDAY as me, my challenge is great. He stole all the "good ones". BAH! He did, however, cite me in the list of important births, so I will extend the same courtesy here. HERE WE GO......JUNE 8TH!!!!


1861 - American Civil War: Tennessee secedes from the Union.
1866 - The Canadian Parliament meets for the first time in Ottawa. (interesting, aye?)
1949 - Such celebrities as Helen Keller, Dorothy Parker, Danny Kaye, Fredric March, John Garfield, Paul Muni and Edward G. Robinson are named in an FBI report as Communist Party members.
1968 - The body of assassinated U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy is laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.


1867 - Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect
1925 - Barbara Bush, First Lady of the United States
1966 - Julianna Margulies, American actress
1977 - Kanye West, American Rapper
1979 - Bobby Marchessault, American worship leader/Pimp (see below)

1980- Becky Perry- American Princess
2007- Baby Corns (we're hopeful Kayden will make his appearance on this day!)


632 - Muhammed, prophet of Islam
1845 - Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the United States
(sorry, Bobby....these were the only ones I KNEW!)


World Ocean Day

AND NOW....My turn to tag some of YOU! THE WINNERS ARE.....(oh, so many to choose from....)

Midrash (Rob)
But It's Cool, Man...I'm a Flight Attendant (Jason)
Snap Shots (Beth)
Meanderings of a Restless Wanderer (Christopher)



Becky said...

You forgot another important June 8th birthday:

--Becky Perry

Jamie Stavenger said...

Will remedy that immediately, Becky! SOOOOOO SORRY. Year you were born???

photoqueen said...

So I'm it goes!

Anonymous said...

I've never been tagged before...I'll do my best.