Thursday, April 05, 2007

Step it UP, Bloggers!

Hello, faithful readers!
Thank you for sticking with me, even through practical jokes like one recent blog posting...your response has been overwhelming! And now I know who reads the comment boards and who doesn't. He he he...

I was "discussing" blogging with some Revolution friends tonight, many of whom think blogging is a pseudo-cult, yet are oddly committed to READING my blog (Ahem, Kelly... I'm proud to be your cult leader, and one day soon, you WILL fall to the dark side). Perusing my blogroll (that long list of links to the right of this posting), I have some observations to make regarding some of my fellow bloggers. Listen up! I may be talking about you!

CHARLIE- (yes, you.) It was an exciting day when you published your first blog posting. I even received an e-mail containing the announcement of this new "birth." That announcement promised that your blog would make me laugh with it's wittiness, but I've only laughed twice. Literally. And, incidentally, you are currently my 43rd most popular link. Need I say more? I know you've got some craziness to unleash, so get on it. I'd like to see a posting by the end of the week, please. OH...and thank you for the frozen yogurt treat tonight! Just for that, you get your picture posted here.

BOBBY- OKAY, granted you've been moving this week. But, honestly, I thought you were a more dedicated blogger than the recent inactivity we've experienced. Don't think you can move halfway across the state and escape your blogging responsibilities! I look forward to hearing about life in surfer country when you're back in the saddle... (and, by the way, you're still in the top 10 outgoing links....BARELY.)

ANGELO, RANDY, WILL and JEANNIE- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

CHRISTOPHER- two words: Spell Check.

TROTTER- (Oh yes...I'm calling out my pastor...) Your once frequent blogging inspired me to kick start my own regular posting. Now, well, you're not the gleaming example of consistency you once were. Don't EVEN try to blame it on Easter.

OF COURSE, I'm joking with all of you- I highly recommend ALL of the blogs on the sidebar. However, there HAVE been some recent standouts, so- if you don't mind- I'd like to throw out a couple suggested sites for those of you who are more selective in your blog reading:

ROB'S BLOG (Midrash)- Rob just started his blog recently, but hit the ground RUNNING with lots and lots of short tidbits and video. His book reviews, also, are very insightful.

BETH'S BLOG (Snap Shots)- Another newbie to the blogging world, but the pictures posted ALONE is enough to make the stop by her blog worth it. She is quite the talented photographer (she gets all the credit for the Revolution Bio pictures!) Plus, she's my long lost twin.

SUZANNE'S BLOG (Other side of the Ocean)- Again, the new bloggers take the cake! Suzanne just left for a five month trip around the world, and has arrived at her first destination: Paris, France. I'm looking forward to "Where in the World is Suzanne" check-ups!


Anonymous said...

Why do you hate me?

First, you mock my blog for being to serious then you don't diss me along with everyone again I say to my fellow horrible person...

Why do you hate me?

Jamie Stavenger said...

I'm sorry, Christopher, to overlook you. Your blog is horrible. There. Feel better?

bobby said...

With extremely limited web access over the past several weeks, I thought I had done a decent job keeping up a bit. I thought perhaps my friends would understand the craziness.

But oh you fickle reader. So hard to please! Just hold your horses. Patience is a virtue. Geez.

And while you're at it, you can add Will to those "zzzzzzzzzzz"s. ;)

Anonymous said...

You forgot Mikey and Christa's blog. We are fast approaching the one year anniversary of their last blog update.

Phil said...

At least I escaped mention, positive or negative. Flying under the radar...

Revolution Church said...

When you've been blogging for 3 years like I have - then you can talk...


Anonymous said...

Wow Jamie, thanks for the shout out! Last week was pretty crazy and I didn't get much blogged. But I'm feeling inspired to get back to work because of you.

"Every day, for eight years, I have brought pepper spray into this office to protect myself and my fellow employees. And every day, for eight years, people have laughed at me. Well. Who’s laughing now?"
-Dwight K. Schrute