
Sunday, October 05, 2008

Guilty Pleasure.

There are sooooo many reasons why I should hate this song.
1. There are few intelligible lyrics.
2. The lyrics you CAN decipher seem to be about a selling drugs.
3. She sings off key almost the entire time.
4. There are exactly two chords the entire duration of the song.
5. When there is talking in the middle of the song, I automatically dislike it.

However, Chris will attest that whenever M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes" comes over the radio, I get a little giddy.

What can I say...
it defies reason.


Anonymous said...

Jamie I love you and this song. I guess now I can feel a little less bad about posting last week that "Sex On Fire" is my new favorite song.

Sarah said...

No joke, this is my favorite song right now! Matt thinks I'm crazy because what I listen to is usually mild. When I told him I love this song, he just laughed at me.

Glad I'm not the only heathen around...


Sarah said...

Oh, and did I mention I don't listen to it if they play the edited version without the gunshots?

Anonymous said...

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMEN???? I wish I could leave a voice message here because it would be pretty darn funny. I cannot believe Jamie loves this song. It is so far out of her realm of music that it just blows my mind. I think there is some hidden message or beat that attracts women to this song. I just don't get the fascination with it. You women are weird!!!!!!

Jamie Stavenger said...

I just laughed hysterically as Chris shook his head posting his last comment.

Sarah said...

What can I say, we're easily entertained. It's probably why we all picked the men we married. It just doesn't take much to impress us. Well, besides a catchy tune!


Anonymous said...

"It has a beat and you can dance to it" - flashback to American Bandstand's Rate the Records. Maybe... the same reason you like - but shouldn't like - Shawty Got Low?

Jamie Stavenger said...

Did my MOM just reference "Shawty Got Low?" What is happening to this world. (shakes head in wonder.)

Angela said...

Chris, I am a woman, and I made it through approximately 26 seconds of this song before I stopped it.

However, I am extremely un-cool. The fact that I just used the word "un-cool" should tell you just how, well, un-cool I am.

Still, there is at least one woman who doesn't love this song. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but..............it is kinda catchy. CRAP, did I really say that! I'm going to go play in traffic now...................

bobby said...

Hey, I am man, and I'll admit it. I've never heard the song before (I just admitted that too) but I listened to it here and I actually kinda enjoyed it.

And I laughed the hardest at Jamie's dismay when her mom referenced Shawty. That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

So Jamie, does this mean I am not stuck in the 60's after all?

Steph said...

chris -- i, too, do NOT get the fascination with this song. I CAN'T STAND IT!!

jame...seriously, why?!??

i don't know if it's her voice or the annoying sounds of gunshots and registers that makes me want to punch my hand through the stereo. either way, it drives me insane!! however, i will admit, the beat is catchy...just not catchy enough for me to not switch the station within the first three seconds.

for me, this is currently one of the worst songs out there.

and btw...donna petersen, you are officially my hero!!! ;)