Wednesday, October 22, 2008

VEGAS, Baby!

I'll get back in the regular blogging game soon, but I'm taking a little break while my husband and I travel to SIN CITY this weekend. It will be Chris' first time in the city, and we're looking forward to showing him around and going to see this! We're also looking forward to spending some time with my parents & brother, as well as our good friends Stephen and Stephanie, and Chris' brother & sister-in-law. It's a big 'ol should join us!

Those of you not fortunate enough to make the trip with us...if you are in the Minneapolis area this Thursday, be sure to check out the fabulous Shannon Curtis- she'll be playing at the Bryant Lake Bowl theater at 10 p.m. this Thursday!!


Emma said...

Yay for Shannon! Have fun in Vegas. said...

You are going to Love, LOVE!
I'm a guy, and I don't like any cirque shows (they are usually too french and gay for my taste) but the sound alone for LOVE is worth it and they do some amazing things in the venue!

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey, while you are here you should check out a service at Central! Service times are Sat. @ 4:30 & 6:00 and Sun. @ 9:00, 10:20, & 11:45. Seriously it's only an hour and I think you'd enjoy it. Plus, you can see what I've been up to the past couple of years band-wise........