Sunday, October 19, 2008

Icky, Gooey Pumpkin Guts.

This week's date night fell into two parts: Heading to the pumpkin patch, and butchering our respective pumpkins to fashion some kind of spooky design. A couple of things surprised me about this experience...

1) There aren't pumpkin patches here! If there are, they are well hidden and seriously lacking advertisement. So we resorted to choosing a pumpkin from a shelf at a garden store. Kinda disappointing, since even in STOCKTON you can find make-shift pumpkin patches on concrete lots along Pacific Avenue. Chris said "you have to go out to the country to find those". I thought we WERE in the country!?

2) Chris freaked out when he had to reach inside the pumpkin and scrape out the guts. "It's so gross! Ughhh...I hate this part. I hate that smell. Ughhghhgughhh..." Okay- I know it's not the most pleasant task in the world, but SERIOUSLY! You stick your hands INSIDE people for a living! A few pumpkin seeds won't hurt'cha! On the upside, pumpkins don't squirt blood everywhere when you cut them up.

The end products turned out well, though we skimped on the creativity and went with traceable patterns. THESE are the jacks that will greet trick-or-treaters at the Stavenger house:

The cute one is mine. ;)


Angela said...

Very cute! Maybe next year Chris can wear a surgical mask and rubber gloves up to his elbows.

We're going to carve pumpkins with Heidi when she's here this weekend ;)

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

Jamie. You rock! Your pumpkin does too!

Anonymous said...

The cute one is yours? Hmmm, both pumpkins are extremely cute. Or ...did you mean the pumpkin carver? :)