Tuesday, May 09, 2006

In The Words of Bono

Hi everyone...Thanks for dropping by.

I came across some quotes from U2's lead singer-slash-activist, Bono, and thought they were particularly thought provoking, especially in relation to his thoughts on worship. We've talked a lot about how we worship things all the time that aren't God- the overglorification of the ordinary, to our own detriment. The problem is that we don't recognize it most of the time. Of all people, Bono is quick to point that out. I love that he is so open about his faith. Take a look:

"Anyway, I stopped going to churches and got myself into a different kind of religion. Don't laugh. That's what being in a rock'n'roll band is. Not pseudo-religion, either...Showbusiness is Shamanism; music is Worship: whether it's worship of women or their Designer, the world or it's destroyer, whether it comes from that ancient place we call soul or simply the spinal cortex, whether the prayers are on fire with dumb-rage or dove-like desire...the smoke goes upwards...to God or to something you replace God with...usually yourself." (an excerpt from Bono's introduction to the book of Psalms, entitled "Elvis, the Bible and Me." New York, Grove Press 1999)

"I'm frightened, but I'm not cynical or pessimistic about the future and a lot of that must come down to my beliefs. It is my belief in God that enables me to get up in the morning and face the world. I believe that there is a logic and a reason for everything. If I didn't believe that and thought that everything was simply down to chance, then I'd really be afraid. I wouldn't cross the road for fear of being run over."

"People think that because I'm attracted to people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr or even my faith, my belief in Christ, that I am therefore some kind of hero or man of God or peacemaker. One of the reasons I'm attracted to these people is that I'm the very person who would not turn the other cheek. I grew up with a violence in me and it's still in me, and I despise it."

"The truth is when that singer is saying something that comes from right down within him, and it affects you right down within you. That's when you start talking about great music, as distinct from nice music."

"I believe that if we follow logic all the way to the smallest point we will find God."

...Now, isn't that refreshing?


Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!!! A good guy, that Bono.

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