Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why I've Been A Terrible Friend Lately:

This literally brought me to tears this morning.
Maybe it's the hormones.
Maybe it's the lack of sleep.
Or maybe it's a giant slap of affirmation and truth.
Fortunately, I think I have great friends who understand completely.
Do take a second to read this:
Can I get an "AMEN?"


Donna said...

Amen. I have always been a fan of Carolyn, who does not tiptoe around issues. The daily effort and exhaustion of being a stay-at-home mom isn't easy to explain, but she does an admirable job putting it into words. Affirmed- and there is no more rewarding job.

Anonymous said...


Jenny said...

Quadruple AMEN! It's amazing to me how some people feel sahm do nothing all day. Between regular household chores, volunteering in the classroom and chasing a toddler around, I barely have time to go to the bathroom! I love the response that was given. Thank you, Carolyn! :)

rosemary said...

Let's face have to be there to get it. I was always getting my feelings hurt by mom friends before I had kids...then I had kids and then I got it!! ;-)

Jamie Stavenger said...

Totally, Rosemary. I'm also guilty of harboring ill-feelings for the same reason in the past. But now, as I type this with one hand on my iPhone and hold off my daughter who is struggling to grab it with the other, I, too, understand completely!

@Sklake said...

I used to never understand why all my mom friends posted endless pictures of their kids on facebook, thinking they had no life. And now I am one of the biggest offenders because I HAVE NO LIFE outside of them and I think everyone whould want to see and enjoy every moment of my kids too!!! Thanks for sharing, I needed the laugh!