Friday, October 28, 2011

Oh Crap Oh Crap Oh Crap.

This morning, in the Starbucks Drive-Thru, the kind barista engaged me in some friendly Halloween banter.
Her:  So, what's your little one going to be for Halloween?
Me:  She's going to be a little piggie.
Her:  Oh, cute!  And what about your little, little one?

(This is the point where I look at her all confused-like until I realize that she can see the infant carseat next to Kendall in the backseat.)

Me:  Ohhhhhh, he's actually not here yet!  A few more weeks to go.
Her:  Always good to be prepared!  Looks like you're ready for him!
Me:  Heh.  Yeah.

As I drove away with my caffeinated beverage, I thought about the little white lie I had told.
It may seem as though I'm fully prepared for Carter's arrival.  I mean, the CARSEAT is in the car, isn't it?
This, unfortunately, began a downward spiral of hormone-enhanced neurosis in which my calm exterior was overtaken by my interior panic.  I AM NOT READY!!
I drew a picture to help you understand how I was feeling:
(I even included my hideous dark roots in this one.  This baby can NOT come until that is remedied!)

Add a few contraction-esque belly spasms later in the day, and I was a MESS.
My daily nap was hijacked by the single thought that if I was laying in the bed, the bed was not made.
AND THE BED MUST BE MADE before I have this baby!!
Also, diapers, sleepers, onesies, a bassinet and more logical incidentals should probably be taken care of.

For the record, I took a long bath later in the day to chillllll ouuutttt.  And I did.
But, tomorrow's to-do list is a doozy!


Amelia said...

:) Everything will be okay.



Unknown said...

Loved your post! I definitely feel your pain..last year at this time I was in your same predicament! I will be praying for you! Miss you!


@Sklake said...

Cute name-is this the name debute or did I miss something? Anywho you are right, you are NOT ready. There is NO preparing for boys they are from a different planet! LOL! Everything you neatly prepare will be torn apart as soon as he is mobile! Let it go now and you will be ready! :) Happy Labor and I cannot wait for more adorable updates!

Jamie Stavenger said...

Hey Shells- thank you! I think I've mentioned his name a couple times on the blog, but never made a big announcement...guess I'm stealth that way :)