Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Same Dream, Different Night.

Calling all "Josephs" out there- wanna dust off those dream interpretation skills and clue me in on this one?  I've been having this same dream for a little over a year now.  Have at it.

-I show up at Lincoln High School (Stockton) as a student.
-I'm wearing a red backpack. (That may or may not matter at all)
-It's the first day back at school after a break.
-After first period, I have absolutely NO idea where to go.
-I cannot find my class schedule.
-I try to access my schedule on my iPhone, but it takes too long.  (*note*- the internet didn't even exist when I was in high school, let alone iPhones.)
-I head to the office to get a replacement, but there is a long, slow line in front of me.
-I stand there for hours, realizing I'm missing my classes.
-When I finally get to the class where I think I belong, nothing is familiar.
-I leave, and wander the corridors until I wake up.

Lincoln High School (see, in California, we don't need to have the entire school inside)


Unknown said...

Love it! I don't have an interpretation except to suggest that you are directionally-challenged and get lost easily! 'cause I have had similar dreams but I am always trying to find the right church and the right organ bench and somehow, I am checking my watch and thinking that I will never make it to the next gig in time. Sometimes, I am checking music to see if I have what I need for the next assignment.

Ted said...

I think the technical term for what you are experiencing is "Minnesota Madness", caused by the repeated freezing of your brain cells. On a side note, the internet was actually in existence before you were born, though in a very limited capacity.

Angela said...

Girl, I can identify with the weird school dreams!! I have been having the same recurring dream for years where I realize that I have been forgetting to go to English class all semester and have done none of the assignments. I literally had that dream again over the weekend!!

Since I have no idea what mine means, I sure don't know about yours ;)

Of course, mine takes place on the same outdoor campus! Sometimes mine is at Sierra Middle School, though. Maybe we're just crazy. ;)

Roxeanne said...

I have pretty much the exact same dream except I'm at my old high school. I usually wake myself up by thinking "wait...I didn't have a cell phone in high school..."

Jamie Stavenger said...

Ted- yes. The internet "as we know it" wasn't around. Therefore, I spent time at the actual library researching papers. Imagine that!

Joy- the weird thing about it is that in the dream I know where all my classes are, just have no idea which one to go to. I just stand there, frustrated.

Angela- apparently those campuses made more of an imprint on us than we thought! :)

Anonymous said...

Do you have the dream around times that you have something important you are working on with details to remember? Or are just stressed in general?

I've had a similar recurring dream...well, about school anyway. Its pretty much the same as Angela's (commented above), actually! I don't know or forget that I'm enrolled in a class, and realize I am going to fail it because I haven't ever shown up or done any work, and I beg the professor to let me make up the work somehow. And it seems like I have that dream when I'm stressed out about something.


Anonymous said...

Do you have the dream around times that you have something important you are working on with details to remember? Or are just stressed in general?

I've had a similar recurring dream...well, about school anyway. Its pretty much the same as Angela's (commented above), actually! I don't know or forget that I'm enrolled in a class, and realize I am going to fail it because I haven't ever shown up or done any work, and I beg the professor to let me make up the work somehow. And it seems like I have that dream when I'm stressed out about something.


bobby said...

Ted beat me to it. But yeah, the internet as we know it actually started around 1991 and was gaining widespread interest by 1994, thus the viral video of the Today show hosts trying to figure out what the internet was in 1994. However the word internet didn't gain widespread use until 1996, which I do believe would have been when you graduated...right?

There's some useless info for you.

Oh and the dream...I got nothing for ya.
Or maybe you have several options in your greater life right now, but you are unsure which one is best and feel a bit lost in your sense of direction at the moment. You know you're missing something, but when you go back to where you think you should be, you still feel lost. Maybe you need to move back to California. ;)
Sorry Chris.

Was that deep enough for you.
Wow...I really shouldn't make comments at 1 in the morning.

Jenny said...

Wow, they really spruced that campus us, didn't they!

I also have a recurring dream about high school. It's close to graduation and everyone is excited, except I realize that I haven't gone to Geometry or Algebra all year and I'm not going to graduate. I'm freaked out but no one knows. So weird.

Ah, high school. I don't miss it. :0)

Matt Foreman said...

wow, I hardly recognized that was a picture of Lincoln, looks a lot nicer then when we were there. I wonder what Mr. Holton is doing these days

Jamie Stavenger said...

Matt- Mr. Holton is on Facebook! Look him up! :)

kara cole said...

Umm . . . I think its your subconscious telling you that its time to move back to California. But I give you permission to wait until I come back. :)

Lori said...

I've had the same dream sooooo many times. But I've never had the cell phone part. I've also had a dream where I'm the teacher (back from a break), and I can't remember any of my students' names. Or there might just be one new student who refuses to tell me his name.

It all means the same thing dream wise for me: stress

Do you ever have the dream where you want to punch someone but you have no strength in your punch? Or you try to run from someone but your legs feel like lead? Same thing - stress.

bobby said...

Oh my goodness Lori! I've so had the punching one but I couldn't do it! It's been a while, but I seem to remember having it a lot in high school. Or maybe that was real life? ;)

Angela said...

I am so relieved that so many people have the same dream! For me, I think it's caused by procrastination. Since I just wrapped up a project I had been putting off, I think it will go away for now ;)

And Jamie, I forgot to tell you about my other most-memorable LHS-related dream: the one where John Phillips' (as in the former district attorney) son is chasing me around campus trying to shoot me. Fortunately, that wasn't a recurring one. Of course, now that I've just relived it, I will probably dream about it again tonight!

Mandy said...

Hi Jamie,

I too, have had similar dreams! I have a really cool book about dreams written by a Christian that might offer some insight. i will have to look through it when I get a chance. I know that the fact that you are always late/running out of time means that you are stressed about something. The fact that it involves high school may symbolize that you are feeling self conscious about something (being that this was a very insecure time for most people). Also, the red backpack probably means something, I will have to look that up. Also the fact that you are having the exact same scenario happening over and over again may also be significant. I will let you know once I get a chance to sit down and read something not involving babies/schedules/preschool discipline!