Sunday, February 06, 2011

Neener Neener :)

I took my engagement/wedding ring in for it's biannual checkup yesterday, and discovered that I am the envy of the Zales world.
The first clerk asked me if it was "The Zales Diamond".
(The Zales Diamond was an exclusive patented 8-sided solitaire which was discontinued in 2007 because the person owning the patent pulled it.  It has 82 facets, 24 more than a regular diamond cut making it SUPER sparkly :)
When I told her it was, all three clerks dropped what they were doing to come look at it.
I felt like I had brought in an original copy of the Constitution.
Two of the sales persons argued over who got to clean it.
They ALL looked at it under the microscope.
I was informed that none of them had ever seen one in person.
Talking amongst themselves, one of the sales clerks (engaged) said (sadly) she wanted this cut for her engagement ring.

Then, in it's sparkling beauty, it was returned to my finger, where it belongs.
It may be valuable, but to me, it's priceless.
Our Wedding Day, April 26th, 2008


the husband said...

You're welcome!

Kami said...

That's cute! My favorite part though is the comment above mine!! What a sweetheart.

Unknown said...

Excellent article,
Thanks for sharing.

Kym said...

:( I had one but I lost it. :(