Thursday, December 09, 2010

The Sickness.

    We made it 11 months...11 months without a sick baby.  And then, BAM.  Kendall's nights of sleep got shorter...and shorter...and shorter, and we knew something was not well with our baby (see the pathetic, tear-stained little one in the picture).  Sure enough, she picked up a little head cold.  Then, I picked up a head cold "somewhere" and it was all-around misery.  We thought we had it beat by Thanksgiving week, packed up and left sans medication, only to be met with a bonus round smack dab in the middle of our vacation.  After 3 weeks of not being quite up to par, it seems we're all back to good health- something we won't take for granted this holiday season.  We hope all is well at your house!


Jenny said...

It really amazes me how alike our girls are! Maayu got her first real sickness 3 days ago, also a nasty cold complete with cough, congestion and a low-grade fever. Eleven months is a record for us, since all three of our boys got their first sickness within their first 2 or 3 months. But I'm glad that everyone in your home is feeling well now! Btw, where did the year go?!!!!

Karen Neal said...

Is that a stye I see in her left eye?

Jamie Stavenger said...

Oh, stye. Just a tear. :(