Wednesday, December 08, 2010

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Before heading out to the post office earlier today, I was addressing a couple of packages (because I hear that helps the people delivering them).  I was already late to a playdate with Kendall, so rather than digging through my address book for the necessary information, I thought I'd look in the recycling bin right below me, as I had just discarded recently an envelope with the address I needed.  (This is the part of the story where I sound like a disgusting garbage rummager, but I promise I don't do this on a regular basis.  And it's only paper.)  I moved a couple pieces of junk mail, retrieved the envelope I needed, and saw something peculiar (and a little alarming) peeking out from behind yet another trashed credit card offer...
Now, I'm all for recycling, but I think this is a little excessive. Needless to say, I will be recycling this find elsewhere (probably at Starbucks).

Yep, this is a Christmas miracle...if the definition of "miracle" is someone here did something very stupid, and we got lucky this time.  :)

1 comment:

Donna said...

Was that the "Green" recycling bin? ;) Finding a treasure in the lowliest place... hmmm,a perfectly fitting Christmas story. Finders, keepers!