Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Who Needs Sleep?

There have only been two times in my life I wanted to punch my doctor in the face. The first was immediately after birth when she was viciously kneading my belly like a giant pile of dough. The second was yesterday.

I visited my OB-GYN again for yet another round of Mastitis, where she gave me the following news: "It's great that Kendall is sleeping through the night! Unfortunately, because you are prone to this, you can't do that anymore. You'll need to get up and pump." (Definition of "prone"- five cases of Mastitis in four months.)

So...after keeping careful track of Kendall's sleep patterns for the last 26 days and finally getting her on a loose schedule, on which she often sleeps through the night, I can't reap the benefits in the area of sleep. Last night I set my alarm three times: Twice to take an antibiotic and once to get up and pump. And after crawling back into bed the third time to a SNORING husband, I wanted to punch HIM in the face.

To sum it up: Everyone is sleeping in the house but me.

On the plus side, I got to put Kendall in her baby scrubs so we could visit Daddy at the office! Here's a doctor I NEVER mind seeing!


Becky said...

I had to do the same thing for MONTHS after Kaitlyn was sleeping through the night except it was b/c I had poor milk supply from early breastfeeding problems. The benefit is lots of extra milk for times you want to get away. Hang in there, it sorta becomes routine after a while.

MomStav said...

That is a very cute doctor!!!