Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Let's Cut the Crap.

Chris and I were recently at Barnes & Noble and, well, we finally got it...a healthy cookbook (the recommended Hungry Girl series). We've been talking about it for a long time, and with his fun run training and my post-childbirth poundage, we decided it's time to start incorporating some healthy choices into our diets. This is easier said than done, however, because both of us are admittedly picky eaters. Our lists of dislikes include:

Chris- tomatoes, onions, celery, bell peppers and a smattering of other "green stuff".
Jamie- cream cheese, seafood, yogurt and beans. of. any. kind.

Try finding a healthy substitution recipe that doesn't incorporate at least a couple of the above mentioned items. (Suggestions, anyone?) SO, I'm carefully picking through books and internet sites trying to make this work for us. Discouragement set in today upon visiting the grocery store and finding that these alternative ingredients practically doubled my total. Darn you, fresh produce!

I need your help. Come on you culinary geniuses, I need recipes!


Angela said...

Hmmmm. That's a tough list. You know who's a good cook and doesn't like onions and peppers? Marisa. You should pick her brain on cooking without those ingredients.

There's been lots of grilling and broiling in our house during weight-loss efforts. For me, the keys to happy grilling are lots of seasonings and a meat thermometer. Perfect every time.

If you're eat-bread-with-every-meal folks, cutting that out is a big help.

If the produce section in Duluth is anything like it was in Wisconsin, I feel your pain with the veggies.

I really recommend Weight Watchers online. It really was the thing that got me out of a weight-loss rut. I mostly used it to track what I was eating and for recipe ideas when I got bored in the kitchen. It also has a great feature that figures out the point value of any recipe you enter. I lost about 25 pounds (the last 10 pounds of baby weight plus another 15) using WW online. It's pretty inexpensive, too. About $17 a month. While you're still nursing Kendall, it calculates your points based on that.

Good luck. You can do it!

angelina said...

Have you tried switching over your white carbs to brown? I was gaining a little too much weight early in my pregnancy and we switched to whole wheat bagels (we already eat whole wheat bread), brown rice instead of white, brown rice short pastas, and Barilla Plus spaghetti. Just that one change helped me so much.