Monday, August 31, 2009

Website Love

Here's a breezy couple of website recommendations for you, if you're looking to kill a little time. The first, and more practical of the two, is called "Leftover Chef". If you're like me, you let your cupboards dwindle down to nearly nothing before going grocery shopping. This site lets you type in the few random items you may have left, and it directs you to recipes you may be able to use! So if you're wondering what to make with that random can of pumpkin pie filling that's been sitting there for ages...check it out!

The second, and more entertaining of the two, is a site called "F My Life". (If you're wondering what the F may stand for, I won't elaborate...but think the worst.) I recommend this cautiously knowing that some of the content may not be suitable for all audiences, but basically, people leave short quips about horrible/ironic things that happened to them today. Some of them are pretty funny. Here are a few of my recent favorites:

Today, I wanted to be creative. I hid an engagement ring for my girlfriend inside one of her running shoes. I expected her to find it and wake me up, but she didn't. Later, when I asked if there was anything in her shoe, she responded, "There was a rock. I just shook it out outside. Why?" FML

Today, as I got into an elevator, I spotted a little old lady hobbling desperately to get on. I frantically tapped on the 'door open' button but the doors closed. I got dirty looks from the people in the lift, only then did I realize I had frantically tapped the 'door close' button instead. FML

Today, I posted a status update on Facebook about how much I liked the Season Finale of NBC's "Heroes". My hand slipped to the right and it came out as "I really love Herpes. It's much better than everyone says it is". I didn't notice for few hours. FML

There you go...enjoy your web perusing today.
Any favorite sites to add?


Angela said...

I needed the laugh that herpes one gave me. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love FML! Occasionally, a few of us will read a couple of them in the Green Room before the weekend services, just for a few laughs.