Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why My Sunglasses are Seemingly Indestructible

Hi Friends!
I've never been one to wear expensive sunglasses. I'm certainly not a label whore, and aside from that, I have bad luck with keeping them in tact. By floating around in my purse, there are parts that fall off, lenses that get scratched, and so on. I consider them to be a "disposable" luxury. This is why I buy the cheapest pair possible.

A couple years ago, I purchased a pair of black sunglasses at a little sunglasses cart in The Grove (hollywood). It was one of those "buy two for $10", or something equally as appealing. Two years later, I still have this pair of sunglasses. (Note: the above picture is not my actual glasses. To see the aforementioned pair, look at practically any picture of mine.)

A few days ago, I was cleaning my indestructible glasses when I looked at them carefully for the first time. On the inside of the glasses is the word "Fortress". And barely still legible underneath it reads "Ps 18 2". A Bible Verse?? Is this one of those cool hidden verses of the In-N-Out Burger sort? I looked it up...

"The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress and my Savior.
My God is my rock, in whom I will find protection.
He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold."

So there you have it.
My sunglasses have supernatural protection.

9 comments: said...

no wonder my oakleys suck, they arent powered by GOD!!

Anonymous said...

I have a pair of Superman chonies that have supernatural powers. So i know what your talking about. i have had them since the eigf grade.

MLasch said...

I'm so GLAD I'm not the ONLY one to buy the cheap sunglasses. I was starting to get embarrassed about my lack of a lable. But like you, I distroy sunglasses. My car is a veritable sunglass graveyard with pieces floating around in every compartment.

I wish I had a supernatural pair. So far everything I have ever bought has been mortal...

Rick Bambrick said...

...and you always have God on your mind (head)... awe....

Perksofbeingme said...

that's kind of cool.

Anonymous said...

I seem to always lose expensive sunglasses. I found myself searching for my $120 pair one morning while preparing for a day out on the Delta, but without success.

While getting ice for the cooler at 7 Eleven on Ben Holt and I-5, I saw a cheap $8 pair in the glass case by the register, so I bought them (can't go on a boat without shades). I still have them today, 4 years later.

Never did find the $120 pair though.

Perksofbeingme said...

it's 1 am again and I'm still awake so I thought I'd stop by and say hi. Again, I have nothing to say, but I just felt the need to say hi.

Anonymous said...

"I'm certainly not a label whore..."
Yup, that's going in the quotes section of my facebook page.

Angela said...

Too bad those In-N-Out cups aren't like the widow and the oil.