Monday, June 09, 2008

Days Like That Derserve an Encore.

This year is off to a good start thanks to the thoughtfulness of my husband and the MANY friends who left messages via phone, MySpace, facebook and text! Thank you!! I thought I'd give you a summary of how I spent my birthday. Unfortunately, every time I hopped in the car, my hand quickly found my forehead- I forgot to bring the camera along. :( Oh well. If you're missing my face that much, there's plenty of me to see here.

The buzz of my phone at midnight (a text from Steph) signaled that my birthday had commenced! That was soon followed by my husband singing a little birthday ditty in my ear early in the morning. I needed to get up, shower and wash my hair before church. But before I could get out of bed, Chris had tossed a crudely wrapped box in my lap (although, he wraps a whole lot better than my dad). I opened it up and found

the hairdryer I had asked for! This is exciting because it promises to dry my hair in HALF the time (and, did so successfully!).

After a slightly-less-than-exciting Sunday service at Chris' old church, he took me by Caribou Coffee (my new Starbucks) for a sweet treat. We BOTH enjoyed the new Snickers cooler!

This was the first weekend with decent (and by decent, I mean BEAUTIFUL) weather that we've had, so we cranked back the sunroof, turned up the music, and took a drive to Park Point. Just over the bridge is a five mile long sandbar that has a park at the end of it. It was fun sitting in our car, drinking coffee, and people-watching :)

We went home to open a few more gifts I had received, and then spent several hours sifting through 2,200 wedding photos on Pictage. If you haven't seen them, GO LOOK! They turned out amazing (thank you, Beth!)! We put our favorites in a folder, so if you only have time for the highlights, check it out! In the midst of that fun, Chris did the laundry, mowed the lawn and stained the deck!

For dinner, Chris took me to Bellisios Italian Restaurant and Wine Bar. It was WONDERFUL...the kind of place you dine only on special occasions ($$$). We both enjoyed some pasta and a bottle of California Riesling (only the best, right?!).

We entertained ourselves with a game of Rummykub when we got home...which Chris "let me win" because "it's my birthday." Isn't he a sweetheart. (Note the sarcasm)

Now, I'm off to do all the chores that I postponed because "it was my birthday."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Chris is a sweetheart. And you are getting so spoiled! :) How nice that God gave you some beautiful Duluth sunshine and such a thoughtful husband to make your birthday extra special!