Friday, June 20, 2008

Bad Things.

1. The Happening. Chris and I went to see this movie last night and...oh-my-gosh. I think it was possibly the worst movie ever made, and Chris agrees. The premise is laughable. Because they feel threatened, trees and grass are releasing toxins that make people kill themselves. It was the greenest scare show I've ever seen...and both Chris and I found ourselves talking to our plants when we got home to make sure they aren't pissed off at us.

2. Spiders. I know, Christopher Lytle, that you will agree with me on this one. But even worse than spiders are spider BITES, which dot my leg at the moment. I'm off to the store soon to get some cortisone cream.

3. Tyra Banks. There is no t.v. programming bad enough that I would settle on watching her for one more minute. It's narcissism on parade.

4. Gas prices. Needs no explaination.

5. Going to the hairdresser and leaving looking like a wet dog. New hairstylist...did not listen to me when I said to mix up a little more color solution because I have a LOT of hair. Consequently, she had to return to the back room TWICE to mix up more. This caused her to run late, and she left my hair damp. Do you KNOW what happens to my hair when it's left damp? BAD THINGS!!!!!!

Bad things to add? Anyone?

5 comments: said...

Wait a minute, so you're telling me a movie solely marketed as "M. Night Shamalamadingdong's first R-Rated feature film" wasn't good?


Perksofbeingme said...

Hope you're having a better day today.

photoqueen said...

I think you just ruined the plot right? Great, I wasn't going to see it anyway.

and your BFF has always sent her hair dressers to the back to remix, at least once...oh to have A LOT of hair!!!

Angela said...

Scary that Tyra Banks just won a daytime emmy. I hear Shamalamadingdong is quite the narcissist as well.

There are two places I used to love that I have grown to fear in the process of moving ... the dentist and the hairdresser. I can't believe she left your hair wet!!! That's just wrong.

Hope there's an influx of good coming your way.

Anonymous said...

I have been telling EVERYONE not to see THE HAPPENING. I went with a friend from church and her daughter. It was awful. The best line in the whole movie was, "You eyein my lemon drink?" Pretty pitiful!