Saturday, December 01, 2007

My Wish List (according to the stars....)

Apparently, you can choose accurate Christmas gifts that your friends will enjoy based on their zodiac sign. I was curious to see if they pegged me correctly (though I think horoscopes are bologna). Here's MY wish list, so the stars say:

Astrological Sign: Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Present Personality: Geminis love quantity AND quality, so prolong the presents as long as possible with an interesting magazine subscription or a unique program like the Schmerty's Month Featured Cookie Club, which is available in three to 12 month packages. Also, people born under the Gemini sign are very communicative, so this Cordless Skype Dual Phone has the potential to save the recipient a lot of money on phone bills. Another trait of Geminis is that they are extremely inquisitive and love to learn. The Sudoku Wipe Off Game might be a good idea, especially since Geminis also love to be the life of the party, and this will give them yet another reason to be.

For the record, I do not want any of these things.
I'm proven right, again.

Here's what I WOULD like this Christmas:

...are you getting the idea?


Becky said...

I love that we have the same birthday! I didn't have to look up my results. I've never really identified with the "gemini" sign. Although, I did get a magazine subscription for Christmas last year...and I've never been one to turn down a good cookie...or any cookie for that matter. I'm really not sure how a wipe off sudoko board would make me the life of the party though...

Kevin said...

don't be forgetting the long undwear, and the heat blanket

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

The stars are aligning, and they say that it's going to be a cold winter, and spring....and the rest of your life. hahaha

I think battery operated socks are good