Tuesday, January 09, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Whoops...am I a little late?)

Slowly, but surely, right? I know some of you have been losing sleep, wondering how I rang in the new year. Well...I was surrounded be good friends and LOTS of toilet paper. Jessie and Sarah hooked up a karaoke machine which was abused throughout the night, forcibly cranking out tunes from Cyndi Lauper and the Backstreet Boys. No one (or machine) should ever be subject to that horror.

Kaelyn joined us briefly (unhappily), then left for the "party" at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Jessie entertained with singing...and choreography!

Stephen lost his dignity at some point in the evening. I think this might have been it.

When the karaoke machine got boring, we relapsed into Jr. High mode and decided to vandalize another friends' party armed with TP and firecrackers. It was with James Bond precision that we executed this mission. (Not that they didn't KNOW it was us, but still....)

Back at the ranch, we turned our attention to Times Square, where the ball dropped and 2007 commenced. Our first activity of the new year? A rousing game of Apples to Apples!


Anonymous said...

that pick of the guy with his arms up what is he doing??

Jamie Stavenger said...

He got stuck trying on a very small vest while enjoying some country music.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. Toilet papering and all! I know the kids at our house appreciated the blanket of white in front of our house. We are still planning our revenge.
:) Jenny Platt

Jamie Stavenger said...

You are welcome, Jenny.