Thursday, January 05, 2012

Very Pinteresting.

 I've heard talk of Pinterest for quite a while.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with this site, it's basically an online pinboard for things you see online that inspire you- music, food, fashion, photos, crafts...whatev.  While I wasn't initially interested because I don't have a plethora of DIY time in my life, I DO need something to pass the time in the wee hours of the morning when I'm nursing the little one.  Thus, my love for Pinterest was born.  Though I'm just a newbie, I've gathered a pretty good collection of style ideas, kid activities, crafts and recipes. AND, I'm actually DOING some of them!
I made My mom made this yummy Cranberry Apple Pie for our Thanksgiving dinner.  It was yumm-o, though I would tweek the recipe just a tad next time.
This Creamy Caprese Pasta was a winner at our house!
And as soon as opportunity and motivation collide, I want to make a tree like this for Kendall's room.

If you need an invitation to join Pinterest, I'd love to help you out!  (You need an invitation to join.  We're that cool.)


Heather Westbrooks said...

Jamie, I just had to share that my cousin did this tree (or something very similar) in her daughter, Stella's, room--it's awesome!! Very fun project! Wish I was closer to meet your cute family :)

Unknown said...

Mmm, love me some Pinterest!

Amelia said...

I'll take an invite! :D