Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Feelin' Crafty

Hi there.  Welcome back!  Perhaps you've visited my blog more than I have in the last couple weeks, so I should technically welcome myself back.  It hasn't been a lack of ideas keeping me away...just the lack of opportunity!  I've been busy helping a certain toddler in the house foster HER creativity at the expense of my own.  Here's a glimpse at what we've been doing!

Making cookies...
...which we later decorated at a playdate with friends!
Kendall discovered finger-painting with frosting... :)
...and painting with water at her new craft table!
And, of course, getting messy with play-dough.
This guy just watches it all and wishes he were a little bigger!
 As the temperature continues to drop and our excursions outdoors become fewer, I'm really having to step up my indoor creative play ideas because I refuse to listen to Mickey Mouse all day.  Pinterest has been a fun resource, but I'd love to hear what activities worked/are working with your toddler! 


Stockton sports blog said...

Linda turns our house into a playground. We have a small outdoor slide that has quickly become the girls favorite way to hurt themselves! On top of that, since we are not to overly attached to our furniture, couch cushions have become a great way to stay off that pesky lava floor :)

JABBY said...

something very fun but kinda messy is rice! buy a big ol bag and put it in a shallow bin or shoebox (ugg size) with measuring cups and spoons and you have insta fun! it sweeps up easy so no sweat :)
i'll try and think of other things...it's been awhile since we were at that stage :)
you're a great mommy jamie!