Thursday, December 03, 2009

Beware the Wrath...

Dog hair. It is the bane of my existence.
And if you thought I was neurotic about it before pregnancy, just watch me freak out about it now.
Luna is shedding...just in time for the baby to arrive.
Just as my nesting/cleaning urges are kicking into full gear.

Chris promised, with the adoption of Luna, that he would take responsibility for cleaning up after her. And, to his credit, he's done a great job keeping the floor vacuumed.
That would be great if her hair was ONLY on the floor.
Unfortunately, most of it ends up stuck to the couch, blankets, pillows, furniture...anything she walks by or touches.

Because our lives are not broadcast on a reality show, let me sum up the last couple weeks for you:

(week of Thanksgiving)
Jamie: You really need to lint roll the sofas. There is hair everywhere.
Chris: Ok.

(Day before Thanksgiving)

Jamie: I have company coming on Monday. Can you please lint roll the sofas soon?
Chris: Yeah.

(Thanksgiving Day- total meltdown in the car)
Chris: (silence)
Chris: Okay sweetie- don't cry. I'll do it.

(Post Thanksgiving)
Jamie: The lint roller is right there.
Chris: Okay. Thanks.

(Day before company comes)
Jamie: Chris...look at the couch. There are HUGE globs of hair all along the bottom. I don't want our company leaving with white hair all over them. Lint roll, please.
Chris: (warning: fatal mistake) It doesn't look like it needs it.
Chris: (insert look of pure fear) I'll do it right now.


Roxeanne said...

We find Wicket's hair in our food sometimes. I have no idea how it gets there. He doesn't even really shed. It's pretty gross, but we live with it because having a dog is awesome.

Eric said...

You should have stopped here, "Chris: (silence)." Don't worry, the tears should slow down in about 10 months.

Ted said...

From Rosa, "mommy" to "Amelia's" dog: I finally gave up cleaning when the "blond hairs that weren't mine" ended up on Ted's collar! I have yet to figure out how to tell Lucy "her mommy" is a cat person BIG TIME!!! You have no sympathy from me, Chris.

Sarah said...

I'm SO with you with do hair. It grosses me out! The best way to keep the hair off the furniture to to keep it off the dog! Daily brushings! We use this:

and this:

my dog hardly sheds at all now! It's an investment, but it's SOOO worth it!

Angela said...

Oh, girl. Dog hair on your black coat is totally unacceptable. The tears were totally justified, as were the smoking ears. :)

Grandma McBeath said...

Jamie I must admit the dog is beautiful, but if she were mine, someone might get a real nice Christmas Present. BaaaHumbug I guess I must sound grumpy in my "middle age" well when it comes to animals I know God meant for them to belong to other people. Don't hate me animal lovers. I am really a very loving person. Merry Christmas Luna

Jeannie said...

As someone with 4 dogs and multiple cats, I feel your pain! I have to agree with Sarah.. We use the Furminator and it was sent from heaven!!

Jamie Stavenger said...

Jeannie, WHYYYYYY would you do that to yourself!?!!!!! said...

Dogs belong outside.

We lived in North Idaho, had a Lab Mix and a Wolf/Husky mix, they both lived outside and it snowed during the winter, they survived just fine.

We have ONE cat, she's super clean and doesn't shed much, she stays inside and generally leaves you alone.

Dogs are way too in your face and require FAR too much attention and if you don't walk them or play with them/provide a pressure valve they go insane.

Aunt Evy said...

Jamie! Chris? Got a family history of ALLERGIES??? So could she! Why burden her with dog allergen exposure, before her immune system is ready? And the "insane" thing - SO true... Ollie's now on doggie Prozac (not kidding! and, not getting BIT any more) Serious business - deal with it now, before she's born. (You won't have the brain power to do it after.) Jamie - take it from another first child, you don't need a dog hair issue in your life with your first child. (PS the tears MAY or MAY NOT slow down in about 10 months...)

Anonymous said...

and I rest my case about why I cannot have an indoor animal! I am so in need of a horse or pig outback that I can choose when to actually be with them or just flat out feed them and not have fur inside my house or on my jacket, covering my car, etc! I know you might balk at it but it would be helpful now and when your little girl is making crumbs of everything! Its the swiffer vac. Look into it. you might balk at it at first but give it a try. I promise it will make life easier if not now, sooner than you can imagine!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Aunt Evy! The tears with Sarah went full force AFTER she was born. I looked crazy. I would be in the middle of a sentence such as "It would be cool if we could move the couch this way because X,Y,or Z...." and totally start crying. Jeremiah would ask me what the issue was and I would start cracking up laughing that I was crying! Harmones do crazy things to our bodies! My mom called it being a bit weepy. It too shall pass.

Karen Neal said...

This reminds me of the driving incident - Duluth 2009.

Karen Neal said...

This reminds me of the Duluth 2009 driving extravaganza.

Trish said...

Hence why we got rid of our cats. Oh yes I have been through this, except my hubby would not vaccum. PS: Baby pics please. CONGRATS MOMMA!!!