Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One Way Out...

My Youth Pastor taught me to ski. I spent several ski trips honing my novice skills on the bunny hills in Tahoe, focusing on getting off the lift without biting it big time. On an earlier trip, Pastor Jeff asked me if I wanted to try something a little harder, assuring me it would be a breeze and he would ski down with me.

Youth Pastors lie.

I should have known when I had to have a special pass just to get on the lift. On the way up the hill, I interrogated him about my top-of-the-hill options. I'm not the thrill-seeker sort, so I hoped for a casual, scenic trail to cruise down. That is NOT what greeted me at the top of the hill- it was so steep it practically curled under. While Jeff giggled mischievously, I looked at the big black diamond staring at me and then to the photographer taking pictures of skiers at the summit. It would, no doubt, be my LAST picture should I attempt this hill. I pleaded with the man, "is there ANY other way down?" His answer confirmed my worst fear- the ONLY way was straight down.

It was a pee-my-pants terrifying moment in my life, but the fact that I am blogging now is testimony to the fact that I did it (albeit, sloooowly) and survived.

Tomorrow is another such moment in my life. A doctor appointment today set us on the path of induction, so Chris and I report to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. to get the party started. There's only one way for this baby to exit my body, and I hear it's....uh....not pleasant. But, I suppose much like the final exams many of my friends are undergoing, the unpleasantness will be followed by great relief- and greater joy.

Thank you for taking this journey with me and for sharing your insights and encouragement. I look forward to reporting from the next phase of life!

Farewell from pre-motherhood!

(The paparazzi followed us to our last doctor appointment.)


Mom Stavenger said...

The journey sometimes can be a little "rough" but believe me, the destination is awesome! Welcome to parenthood, Jamie and Chris! I love you forever! Mom Stav

Emma said...

I'm sending happy thoughts your way! I can't wait to see pictures of the new little Stavenger! I wish you a quick labor and delievery, my induction was way too long, but I know plenty that have gone very quickly!

Angela said...

I have to be honest, the "kick-start" is rough. Let me quote my brother the anesthesiologist when I had to get pumped with pitocin: "Don't be a hero, Angela. Just get the epidural at the same time. When a woman is in labor naturally, I try to encourage them to make it to 5 cm, but when they're induced, I tell them to get it whenever they want it."

I listened to him, but the nurse apparently didn't hear me. 3 hours later when I finally got that epidural, I was very thankful. So anyway, if you're going the drug route, you might as well get them early! If you're going without drugs, then I will send some extra special prayers.

Praying for a safe delivery!

BTW, did your youth pastor teach you to stop and take lots of pictures when you ski? I remember when we were at Snowmass, you took so many pictures as we went down the slopes!!!

Matt Foreman said...

funny, I have a similar experience with said Pastor Jeff my first time skiing also. Good luck tomorrow, I hope everything goes well. I can't wait to see the many pictures to come of the new addition.

Sarah said...

Jamie, this reminded me of a conversation I had with Matt way before we started dating. He thought every baby was born by c-section (ha ha private school) and in the end I told him "babies come out the same way they went in". :-)

Congrats in advance!! We will be praying, and thinking about you tomorrow!

Grandma and Cliff said...

God bless you Jamie I can hardly wait. I am praying for a safe and quick delivery We love you honey. Your dad was due the 20th of Dec and he arrived the 2nd of January. Don't pull a stunt like that Grandma and Cliff

Becky said...

I agree with Angela....ask for the epidural early if you plan to go that route. It took me over an hour to actually get it after I asked for it. Enjoy the rollercoaster of motherhood!

Heidi said...

My comment has nothing to do with labor, or drugs, just that you look too stinkin' cute in that photo with your "scrub-y" hubby ( hahahaha I crack myself up)

Sarah said...

SO glad she is here, and everyone is healthy!!

Anonymous said...

This story sounds quite similar to when Daniel or Richard Baker encouraged me to go on with them and of course assured that they would stay with me.... on one of those same ski trips with Jeff. I think they learned ideas from Jeff which passed down to me....I NEVER DID IT TO ANYONE! Its mean!