Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How I Became Un-Pregnant!

According to my last blog, I should have a two-week-old baby by now. Lots has happened since then! Here's the deluxe version of our labor and delivery story for you curious folk. Read if you'd like...or just skip to the good stuff (PICTURES!).


Chris and I packed up for the hospital for our scheduled induction appointment on Dec. 16th. I grimaced through the IV pokes and lab work as the pitocin drip was started. Contractions went from slow-going to intense and back to slow-going throughout the day...so slow, in fact, they decided to stop for the night and start again in the morning. After making little progress in the morning hours, we decided to pack it in and let it happen naturally. Our induction was postponed at that time until Christmas Eve...and it seemed like an eternity away.


The days after the induction were the worst. My parents were here and Chris' family had come and gone. We were all expecting to be holding a baby by this point. Aside from the mental duress of waiting, physically I was a disaster. At almost 9 1/2 months pregnant, sitting on the couch was pretty much my only option. I think we were all experiencing a degree of cabin fever, and did our best to bide our time with games, movies and naps.


On Tuesday morning (Dec. 22), I woke up with some unusual lower back pain. Staying in bed for a while, I wrote it off as constipation. Unable to get comfortable anymore, I relocated to the couch where I noticed that this gas pain came and went in semi-regular intervals. Not expecting contractions to appear solely as back pain, I was suspicious but began timing the pain anyway. Like clockwork, it would resurface every 6-7 minutes. After monitoring this for a few hours, I called Chris, who rushed home from work despite my warnings that it may just be gas. (After the last hospital disappointment, I did not want to get my hopes up just yet.) Building in intensity, I decided it was time to get an expert opinion...and off to the hospital we went. Again.


Confirming what surely was contractions by this point, the doctor reported that we were making progress...already to four centimeters when we checked in! As we steadily approached 5 centimeters, I made the smartest decision I have ever made...I ordered an epidural. Though the pain was not unbearable at this point, the relief was sweet and I would NEED it in the hours to come! This, however, made the contractions slow down- so much so that we were briefed on the possibility of a c-section if they didn't start again. Chris and I used the following couple hours to rest up while the pitocin went to work, and I became worried because I was in no physical discomfort- surely it wasn't working.


The nurse disrupted our naps to check me again, and to our GREAT surprise, announced that I was 9 1/2 centimeters! I was more than pleased that the pain of active labor had taken place as I slept! We shifted mental gears and prepared for the big moment, which was coming soon. Now well after midnight, our baby would be born on December 23rd! The next hour and a half was spent pushing- and I was again surprised by the ease of this part of the process. It was hard work, but completely manageable. I didn't even break a sweat!


4:27 a.m. "You'll have a baby on the next push...I promise!" The doctor kept her promise, and with a little help from the good ol' vacuum, Kendall Rae Stavenger made her way into the world with the most precious cry I've ever heard. The doctor observed that she seemed like a big baby, followed by weight guesses flying around the room. After most estimated between 8.6 and 8.12, there were audible shrieks when the nurse weighed her in at 9 POUNDS, 14 OUNCES! I proudly accepted all the extra brownie points I was awarded from the staff and my husband. :)


All that extra baking in my belly meant Miss Kendall popped out nice and healthy-looking, with beautiful big cheeks and adorable tummy. She was promptly visited by the troopers who waited out this long labor at the hospital: Grandma Marcia and Aunt Carrie (from Moorhead) and Grandpa Keith and Grandma Donna (from California). The experience was better than I could have ever expected, and the recent anticipation only made her arrival sweeter.

The Stats!

Kendall Rae Stavenger
Born December 23rd, 2009 at 4:27 a.m.
9 lbs, 14 oz.
19.9 inches long

Baby Kendall with her tired mommy and daddy.


http://alberico.net said...

that first cry is quite an amazing sound!

the Husband said...

Perfect story! I will remember it always. I still can't believe my face and yours when they announced her weight! You are awesome for going through all that.

Becky said...

Congrats. She's beautiful.

Grandma Marcia said...

Thank you for allowing this grandma to be part of the day(s)--- I will also remember it always! Love you all!

Emma said...

I LOVE birth stories. Each one is so unique! My induction took way too long for my liking. Congrats on little Kendall! They don't seem so fragile when they arrive that big huh? But just as precious!

Deborah. said...

Jamie! I have the biggest smile on my face reading this beautiful story! I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

Perksofbeingme said...

YAY JAmie! She is so beautiful and you will be an amazing mom! I'm so happy for you! Love you

Angela said...

Congratulations!!! It's great how it all goes so differently for everyone. The epidural had the opposite effect on me. I finally progressed after getting it. Great job pushing out that precious little 2 month old! (Because that's what Catherine weighed at 2 months)

She's beautiful, and so are you!

Jenny said...

Wow, you're awesome to just wait it out til 9 1/2 months!!! This last pregnancy I had to have an emergency induction 2 weeks before my due date because of hypertension and low amniotic fluid. I was in labor for 16 hours; most of that time on cervidel and only dilated to 3! Then pitocin and dilated in 20 min from 3-8. I had my first epidural ever and I'm SO glad I did. I must admit that this was my hardest labor, if I had this hard of time with the first 3 I don't know if I'd ever have done it again!!!

Isn't it amazing what we have to go through to get these beautiful little babies? :0) And yours is absolutely beautiful. Love her name too.