Thursday, June 28, 2007

There's No J in California

So JD made his OWN for the both of us.

My good friend JD was kind enough to set aside an evening to visit with me on his trip to Southern California, so we took advantage of it by spending some time at Downtown Disney! JD hadn't been here before, so we had a good time roaming and listening to the street performers, smelling soap at the Basin store, enjoying a tasty dinner at the House of Blues, and doing some Disney shopping.

Getting friendly with Darth. Now, which one of these buttons calls your mom to come pick you up?

A life-sized giraffe out of legos would have been impressive enough....

Fun with hats: Part 1.

Fun with hats: Part 2. Ahoy, mate!

Then JD got stuck in the chains. Way to go, troublemaker.

And we saw the creepiest mannequin EVER.

"I" is the closest we could get to "J". Oh well. Pics would be a lot more fun if we lived in Jalifornia.


Will said...

remind JD that was a really great "ab workout"

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

in many other countries, the "j" is always taken over by an "i". Just look at Jesus' name in Greek, it transliterates to iesous