Tuesday, June 27, 2006

B Collision

Last Friday, I received a special package on my doorstep...the pre-release for David Crowder's new album, "B Collision," released by SixSteps Records. (I know I recently posted about David Crowder...I'm not obsessed, I promise.) His previous album, "A Collision" was an eclectic mix of alternative rock and, surprisingly, bluegrass music! All songs hinged on the theme of "death"...a lament about life here on earth and a celebration of things to come. The "collision" of this world with the next.

After the release of their last groundbreaking album (who does an entire album about death, anyway?), David writes about a personal experience which made mortality all the more a reality to them. Many of you read about the tragedy involving a pastor who was electricuted while performing a baptism. Kyle was a pastor at David Crowder's church, and a personal friend. He states that this experience made him look back at the first album with new eyes...ones full of tears and pain. Hence, "B Collision" was birthed. It's an acoustic succession of some songs from the first album. It's raw in production and emotion. Some will really connect with it. Some won't, until...

Crowder's new album is released today...you can pick it up at a discounted price, or check it out on itunes.

In celebration of things to come...

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