Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bouncy, Trouncy, Flouncy, Pouncy...

In lieu of Kindermusik this quarter, I signed Kendall up for a Parent/Child gymnastics class.  We have been attending since January and boy....does she LOVE it!  "Bounce," as it's called at our house, happens every Tuesday morning, and having buddy Jasmine in the same class makes it extra fun!  The class begins with free play, followed by warm-ups and stretching, then practice of a focus skill.  Kids can take part in centers, where they earn stamps for completing a task.  Kendall comes home with stamps from her head to her toes!
Time for the "Pit!"

Touch your toes!

Coach Marcy helping Kendall with her bar skills.

Coach Mac helps Kendall walk the beam.

Kendall's FAVORITE is the trampoline, but she will ONLY jump alone.  Sometimes it creates more drama than fun.  Oy.

Kendall and Jazzy get jumpy with some music!

And the BEST part, of course, is getting STAMPS!  Kendall keeps her coaches entertained with her enthusiasm :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh my goodness. Could that be any cuter?!