Friday, February 17, 2012

A Toast to You!

Today is National Drink Wine Day!  So, I thought I'd break away from my crying baby for a moment to sip a glass of Chenin Blanc and compose a blog.  I'm not a big drinker, but I enjoy a glass of wine from time to time when I need to feel all relaxy-like or fancy.  And, since I've never cared for red wines, my friends here have made it their mission to "broaden my wine horizons" (and give me red wine stains on my lips in the process).  I attended a "Wine Tasting Party" a few weeks ago- my first real venture out of the house for an extended period of time.  There, we had a tournament-style crowning of the "Best in Show" for white and red. 
 There was, um, a LOT of wine.  But don't worry- all my "sips" added up to about two glasses.
In May, I'll be drowning my sorrows in wine celebrating my 35th birthday with friends in Napa, and I'm SO excited to be revisiting some of my favorite wineries.  I love the wine tasting experience, especially if the winery grounds and tasting room are picturesque.  So, if you oblige, here are a few of my favorites from years past:
Domaine Chandon gets the award for the prettiest tasting room.  The whole winery is spectacular, really.  They are recognized for their sparkling wines and champagnes which are not regionally exclusive- you can probably pick up a bottle at your local liquor store. 
St. Supery Moscato is the go-to wine for people who don't like wine.  I've always likened it to Apricot flavored Capri-Sun.  Super sweet, super fun if you aren't in a drinky-drinky mood.  The winery itself is kinda contempo-artsy, if you like that kind of thing.
Located not in Napa, but in the Shenandoah Valley, Charles Spinetta Winery is a fun and friendly stop for wildlife art lovers and people who don't take wine TOO seriously.  We served several varieties of Spinetta wine at our wedding, my parents having struck up a friendship with the owners after years of visits.  In fact, the Chenin Blanc in my hand is a Spinetta wine.  Yum :)  But you won't find this wine at your local store- it's a gem for which you'll have to travel.

So, cheers to you on this fine Drink Wine day.  I wish you many wonderful vintages and fruitful searches for the perfect glass of vino.  And boys- remember that you can make a dull night romantic with a pretty glass and a little grape juice :)  Just for fun:


JABBY said...

love the hormone guide-too funny!
as you can see from my FB post last night we celebrated National Drink Wine Day! thanks for the heads up!

Amelia said...

lol I don't think I'm allowed to date a Frenchman and NOT take wine seriously...but he did take me wine tasting and I had no complaints. And I LOVE red wine(in an I'll-always-choose-it-over-white, not an I'm-a-wineholic kind of way)