Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Uncle Derek!

Chris:  Kendall, who made the trees?
Kendall:  Um, JESUS!
Chris:  Right!  And who made the moon?
Kendall:  Umm, UNCLE DEREK!

Jamie:  Let's say our prayers before we go to bed!  What do you want to tell Jesus?
Kendall:  Umm, HI UNCLE DEREK!  (Waves hand...)

Chris:  Kendall, who made you so pretty?
Kendall:  UNCLE DEREK!
Jamie:  I'll bet Uncle Derek told Jesus to make you EXTRA pretty because you are his special niece!

Chris:  (naptime) Let's say a prayer before we do sleepies!  Should we thank God for Uncle Derek?
Kendall:  Uncle Derek made our house!
Chris:  Um, no, not really...

Three years ago today, Uncle Derek became our little girl's angel.  I think Kendall has a special connection with him.  He did, after all, get to feel her little feet kicking and was excited to be an uncle!  Clearly, she knows Uncle Derek is an important part of our lives.  I'm pretty sure she thinks God, Jesus, and Uncle Derek are just bumming around heaven like pals, creating things and watching her from the sky.  It's skewed theology, but I'm okay with it for now.  The whole Holy Spirit thing would throw her for a loop at two-years-old anyway.

Uncle Derek, we love you!  Thank you for being a part of my little girl's life from afar.  I hope you hear every "I love you" and "HI UNCLE DEREK" from her excited lips!
(Carter, Grandma D and I spruced up Derek's marker on our summer trip to California.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing skewered about her theology; right on, Kendall! Rosa