Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Birthday!

This is my little girl, Kendall.
Isn't she cute?
Tomorrow, December 23rd, she turns THREE years old.

Because she arrived nearly two weeks late, she's got one of those awkward too-close-to-Christmas-stress-mommy-out birthdays. 
Eventually, her birthday celebration will have to be distanced from Christmas festivities- already, it's proving to be's just a busy time for EVERYONE, and I really want Kendall to feel like she's a priority on her special day.
This year we're keeping things low key and relatively blended- but it will be the last year we do it this way.  Maybe we'll celebrate her half-birthday, maybe we'll celebrate a couple weeks early, we'll get it figured out. 

I'm so excited to celebrate this girl tomorrow. 
She has been the greatest blessing of a child I could ever imagine- patient with her brother, sleeps like a champ, loves to help, entertains us with her singing and dancing.  She has more personality than that petite body can hold, so it spills out and leaves a trail of sparkles everywhere.  

God knew we needed her, and she has brought so much joy to our family.
Happy birthday to my sweet Bug-Bug, Kendall Mendall!

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