Saturday, September 25, 2010

5 Weird Things People Say About My Child.

1. "Her head is so perfectly round!"
Yes, her head IS round- and perfectly so. However, I don't notice an abundance of cone-headed and amoebic shaped baby craniums wandering about the city, so the fact that this is the FIRST thing out of some people's mouths is a little mysterious to me. I am often at a loss of what to respond to this compliment.

2. "She's so alert."
I had never heard this observation before having a baby, but apparently it's a popular observation to make. It would be the perfect thing to say to a less-than-attractive baby about whom you can't find anything else to say. Is being awake an accomplishment? Yes, Kendall opens her eyelids and looks around...I have a child prodigy on my hands. :)

3. "Is it a boy or a girl? I can never tell these days."

It's true. With all the baby boys sporting pink jumpsuits and baby girls carrying blue blankies, it is a very confusing world. From now on, girls wear pink and boys wear blue. And if you see a baby with a pink shirt, pink pants, pink blankie and a bow in her hair, feel free to assume that she is, indeed, a girl. Observational skills cannot be underestimated. Oh, and thanks for referring to my baby as "IT"!

4. "Nine months? She's so big/small for her age."

Oh, really? And you are comparing her to...who? Your gargantuan nephew that you visited last week? The Cabbage Patch doll you have at home? Let's bust out the measuring tape, and you will see that Kendall can be classified as neither gargantuan nor petite, but sits right about 50th percentile across the board at this time. SHE is the standard by which you should be measuring OTHER babies, people!

5. "She's so adorable- she looks just like Chris!"
These two statements, independently, I'm liable to agree with. She is adorable. And, often, she does look like her daddy. But when made enthusiastically as one statement, I can't help but feel a little if they're saying "She's so adorable- she definitely doesn't look like you." Umm, thanks?


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with every one of your points! I would dress Amelia in pink with a huge bow over her ear; and tell them her name was Amelia, and they'd say, "That's a funny name for a boy!" :)Rosa

Ted said...

And all this time I thought she looked like Keith!

Kevin said...

i'm going to have to guess that the individuals asking question #3 never had question #2 skills.

Paula White said...

Jamie you are too funny! Paula

Jenny said...

Yes, I get all of those too, except people don't normally say Maayu looks like either Alex or me. I love #1! Believe it or not it is a compliment. My second son had an odd-shaped lumpy head when he was a baby and the doctor assured us it was perfectly normal. Luckily his hair now covers it. ;0)

Jamie Stavenger said...

6th weird thing people say about my child: "And all this time I thought she looked like Keith!" Thanks Ted. :)

Kami said...

Hahaha. This post was amusing to read. Thank you Jamie. :)

Amelia said...

Hahaha!! That was such a fantastic rant! And for the record, I think she looks JUST like you ;), though she's clearly Chris' child as well lol