Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rock-a-Bye Baby.

It's getting close...we're three weeks away from our due date and now considered full term! This info is a little easier to swallow now that the nursery is nearly finished. Only one task is left, and due to secrecy issues surrounding her name, we can't finish it until closer to her arrival. I believe I posted "before" pictures a while, without further ado, here are the "afters"!

Our furniture is a dark espresso color, and the nursery colors include various creams, neutrals, celery green and dusty blue.

The rocking bunny pictured above will be baby's first Christmas present from mommy and daddy.

The shelf above the rocker features baby pictures of Chris and me, with a special spot in the middle for baby Stavenger.

And, of course, Uncle Dizzle will be with us every day!


Sarah said...

You did such a beautiful job! We're so excited for you guys!

Paula White said...

What a beautiful nursery Jamie. I am proud of your getting it done; poor Will did not have his done until he was about 1 year old! I love football, no fantasy league yet....right now it is halftime so I am catching up on my computer time. Oh by the way....saw a tennis ball today and thought of you!

Becky said...


GMa Pullen said...

Lovely nursery. My how times have changed in the past many years. Where's the highchair? By the way, Mrs Schoolteacher - the pictures should be "of me" not "of I" -- maybe? Or have the grammer rules changed? :)

Grandma M said...

YOU DID GOOD JAMIE. Donna showed the picture of my great granddaughter kicking up a storm and I think she wants out. Won' t be long now. I love you Grandma

Jamie Stavenger said...

GMa P...error noted! And the highchair is ready to roll in the kitchen, though she'll have to grow a bit before it's put to use. :)

Marie said...

Beautiful. Makes me wish I was that baby. a weird sort of way.
