Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Making a List, Checking it Twice.

Nope...not for Santa.
Not even for Christmas.

We're making a list of items we'll need to bring to the hospital with us when "the moment" arrives. Our classes at the hospital and some literature have given us a good start, but I'm always impressed with the advice that I glean from my blog-o-rrific experienced moms. Therefore, I'm opening up the floor. What did YOU bring to the hospital? OR, what do you WISH you had brought to the hospital with you?

First item on my list:

Yep- sometimes that smell gets me through the day.


Kathy said...

Definitely a boppy.

Lori said...

Ha you crack me up with that tennis ball obsession!

Hmmm... I over packed. Really, you dont need much. You have probably heard many moms say the same thing. I did. And I STILL over packed. All you really need are toiletries to get you through the hospital stay. I liked having my own pillow, the boppy for breast feeding, and a change of clothes. I think thats ALL i used.

I brought magazines. HA as if you have time for that!

I brought a bathing suit because I had planned on laboring as long as possible with out the epi, and laboring in the shower, I was told, is very comfortable. Yeah well, I got the epi! LOL

I brought a completely PACKED diaper bag. Ummm... the hospital has everything you could possibly need and sends you away with stuff (Ps, take EVERYTHING they give you to use, they expect it, and their bulb syringes are THE best)

I brought make up and was too "over" myself to use it. I knew I looked like crap, not all the make up world would fix it :)

So, the moral of my story is, you probably dont need 80% of the stuff you think you do, and it all has to be packed up when you leave the hospital, so spare yourself!

Ps, any names yet????

Angela said...

Those tennis balls stuffed into a sock make a great little massager when you're in labor.

I was really glad that I brought all of my own clothes. I absolutely cannot stand hospital gowns (the look, the feeling, the smell), so I wore my own shelf bra tank top the entire time I was in labor and my own nightgown/pajamas/sweats the rest of the time. I was just so much more comfortable in my own clothes.

I packed a handful of movies because that was my coping mechanism. None of the birthing class methods appealed to me. I knew a good, familiar movie and the Headline News ticker were all I needed (well, those and an epidural)! So, whatever it is that makes you comfortable or relaxes you is what you should pack. If you need to pack your flat iron, then do it. I wore (and reapplied) makeup the whole time because that's what I needed.

And don't forget to pack for Chris if he's staying with you :) Our hospital is all birthing suites, so Mark was able to stay in my room in a rollaway. Pack him some snacks for during labor. Once Mark ate lunch I told him he wasn't eating a meal again until I got to ;)

This isn't a packing related thing, but unless you just ate a meal right before you go into labor or have some crazy fast labor and need to book it to the hospital, make yourself a high-protein meal before you leave. The energy it provides will be worth the extra 15 minutes to prepare it because they don't let you eat once you get there until after you've had the baby. I would have been a psycho by mid-afternoon had I not made myself some eggs at 7 a.m.

Um, this might sound kind of gross, but Depends might not be a bad idea to pack. Or the most ginormous pad you can find. I won't explain that one in a public forum, but you can email me for an explanation if you want!

Happy nesting!

Angela said...

Sorry about the novel-legnthed comment. :)

Anonymous said...

Extra pairs of socks for you. Sometimes they can get a bit messy.

If you are going to wear your own clothes after birth, bring a nightgown. They are always needing to check you...down there.

Don't bring pre-pregnancy clothes to go home in. Your body isn't quite ready for that yet.

Cute sleeper for the baby. Keep it so her kids can wear it home. Lori and Michelle's mom did that and their girls wore the same outfit home. I spent months trying to find the perfect gown for Emma. Crazy!

Can't wait to see your little one.

Anonymous said...

I second the suggestion to bring Depends. Trust me on this one.

Roxeanne said...

1. My own pillows. I personally never used the Boppy for breastfeeding; I didn't like the feeling of having something wrapped around me. It had a better use as a crash pillow when G was learning how to sit up.

2. I also agree with the Depends. So much more convenient.

3. Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel. That first shower after giving birth is sooo nice.

That's really all I can think of. We knew the hospital would have everything for the baby, so I didn't bring much for him besides the one outfit. (Which was WAY too big for him) We did pack stuff for Phil, but we decided that one of us should be well-rested, so he went home each night.

Anonymous said...


Becky said...

I agree with the others that the hospital really has everything you'd need. I was so tired and out of it that I stayed in bed in my hospital gown the entire time. A change of clothes, makeup, brush, etc to look good for those going home pics is all you really need. Oh, have a comfy, stretchy-type nursing bra to wear around the clock if you plan on nursing.

mrsuribe said...

I'm so thankful my sister brought makeup for me to put on before she took pics of me and the twins. It's the first time I actually liked my picture.

Franse said...


Your own pjs for sure (with nursing top)...maybe matching ones for baby girl. I had matching for Anneke not Ellie. No biggie since the hospital has everything.

I didn't bring boppy - just asked for extra pillows.

Scrapbook paper for extra "footprints" after birth for scrapbook :) They have the inksince they take them their selves

Supportive nursing bra, breast cream for sore nipples, and bra pads.

Sandals for walking around in room and shower.

I like the hospital underware... they held my giggle in well.

I agree... take everything home they give you :)

Karen Neal said...

Since you are naming the baby after me, I would definitely take a framed picture of her Auntie Karen so you can show it to her frequently after she is born.

Cathy said...

Popsicles. I was in the hospital for over 25 hrs from the time my water broke until my oldest decided to make her grand entrance into the world. Doctors will not let you eat or drink anything other than ice chips in case emergency surgery is necessary. Kyle was soo sweet managed to procure some (stole fr another woman’s freezer stash whom had already gave birth) for me somewhere in the 13th hour.

A super cute newborn outfit as there will be photographer on site to take their portrait in the first 24-48 hrs.
Fyi the 0-3 month outfit will be too big for kiddo until after the first or second week.

A back up camera, Kyle was soo excited/nervous after delivery he dropped my only camera and broke it.

Cute pregnancy outfit to go home in, you will not be able to fit into pre-preggo clothes for several weeks/months.

Mittens for the little one to cover both their hands. My oldest managed to put a little scratch on her cheek on the first day. You can see the faint red mark on her hospital pictures.

If you have one, the baby book that helps you keep track of firsts. There is a page in the book for you to put a foot/handprint on from the hospital.

Unknown said...

I would suggest packing two bags- one for the absolute necessities and one for the 'maybe' stuff. Just leave the 'maybe' bag in the car & if you want it, it'll be there and if not, it just stays in the car. It's just so hard to really know until you're going through it what will make your experience the best it can be.

Trish said...

REMOVE the clock from your room while in labor. Corey did this for me and I had NO IDEA until Olivia was here that I sat in labor for so many hours! (The nurses may not like this, but tough!)

Your Boppy pillow-if you don't have one yet, get one & bring it along. So nice to hold baby with...especially while nursing!! :)

Nice smelling sudsy bubble bath. Just because.


Anonymous said...

take your own clothes to labor are so much nicer and you are way more comfy in them for however long your labor time is. YES you can labor and deliver in your own clothes, just say so! I would bring tons of reading material like on breastfeeding and other stuff for the coming month kind of reading. Youve probably done enough for the 1st 3 months stuff. I especially liked my breastfeeding books..."Breastfeeding made Simple" and "The Nursing Mothers Companion." They were extremely helpful in being successful with nursing Sarah. I say all this assuming you plan on nursing... Dont feel like an unfit mother. I didnt do it for long with either child...nursing is harder than anyone thinks!

Anonymous said...

After reading all the other comments I would have to agree with the whole Depends thing. I didnt know about them with either of my 2 kiddos but now I will definately use them later! So useful....Im sure you will know soon why. Also, I would HIGHLY encourage you to NOT go to the hospital as soon as anything starts...because if you are in active labor and still want to eat they wont let you. I labored grocery shopping, and while doing other things. I wanted to be like delivering when I arrived but I also did not have an epidural either time. It kept me from having nurses hound me about getting one.